5. Accepted

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"GOD DAMN IT KATSUKI SHES STRESSED OUT, JUST OPEN HER DAMN LETTER FOR HER!" mom defended "FINE, BUT IM DOING THIS BECAUSE SHE ASKED, NOT BECAUSE YOU TOLD ME TO OLD HAG" Katsuki yelled. I finally got the courage to sit down next to Katsuki as he opened both of our letters from U.A. 

Big surprise, we both got in! 

"KATSUKI WE DID IT!" I yelled jumping up and hugging him "tch I told you we were going to get in," he said as he hugged me back. "IM SO PROUD OF YOU BABY!" mom exclaimed, yanking me off of Katsuki so that she could give me a hug. once she pulled away she looked at Katsuki "Congratulations Katsuki, you both get to pick what you want for dinner. Anything is on the menu so don't hold back!" she said with a smile "Make me the spiciest curry you can" he said with a smirk "Can you make me some spicy noodles mom? I can help you with the curry" I asked with a smile

"Of course! Aw, I love my helpful baby so much!" she exclaimed giving me another hug. Dad wasn't home yet, he always got home late on Fridays. So he hasn't heard the news yet, we were all planning on telling him in person. 'All' being mom and me, Katsuki didn't care.

"Y/n come with me, we have to go get measured for our uniforms," he said with a soft smile, nobody else but me sees that smile, it makes me happy since most siblings hate each other. "Sure, let's go, are we skating there?" I asked, he nodded and handed me my skateboard. Katsuki thought that being able to skate would make him 'look cooler' and he wanted me to learn how to skate as well, so that's the only way we get around.

"Mom I will help you get the curry started later, right now I need to get measured!" I yelled into the house "Alright! Call me if you need anything honey!" she yelled back. We both started skating to U.A to get our measurements taken. "Woah look at him, I've never seen anybody with purple hair!" I pointed to a tired-looking boy with purple hair. "Tch whatever blond hair is better" Katsuki responded "He's kind of cute" I muttered "YOU DID NOT JUST SAY THAT" he yelled turning back to look at me "What? He is! Look at him" I looked at him again "Tch he is ugly, your standards are so low" Katsuki responded.

All of a sudden the purple-haired boy looked over and made eye contact with me. I blushed and looked away "Katsuki he looked at me!" I squealed "Probably because he thinks you're weird, we are here anyway," he said, "Ouch Katsuki, you're so mean to me." I said getting off of my skateboard.  "Shut up, let's just go," he said walking away "Hey." I heard a tired voice say, I turned around and saw the boy with purple hair. "Oh hello!" I responded "You're a fool if you let your boyfriend be that rude to you." he said, I was looking at his face to see if he was joking, he was completely serious. "Oh my god you're serious," I said trying to hold back my laughter.

 "Huh? What do you mean?" he said tilting his head "OI KATSUKI GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE" I yelled, Katsuki turned around and saw me talking to the purple-haired boy "Is there a problem?" Katsuki asked him "Stop being so rude to your girlfriend." he said to Katsuki. I couldn't hold back my laughter, neither could he. "YOU THINK WE ARE DATING, OH GOD YOU'RE SO STUPID," he said while laughing. He just gave us a confused look. Then it hit him "Wait are you two-" "siblings, yes, Katsuki is my brother," I said quieting my laughter. "So anyway what's your name extra," Katsuki asked "Shinsou Hitoshi," he said, his face dusted in pink, probably from embarrassment "Alright Shinsou, it was nice to meet you. But we have to go" I said turning to walk away

"That was so stupid, this day is great so far," Katsuki said while chuckling "It really was, most people are too scared of us to assume anything," I said quietly laughing. 

(Time skip)

"ugh it was so weird having boys measure me," I said while walking out "wait boys were touching you? NOBODY TOUCHES MY SISTER" he yelled, "God damn Katsuki calm down, its over with anyway," I said calming him down. "Tch, the next time someone touches you I will KILL THEM," he said, "I will race you home" I smirked, "OH ITS ON DUMBASS!" he yelled, you both started running to your skateboards and got on them.

it was a tie

"LET'S GO AGAIN! I WAS ABOUT TO WIN!" he yelled at me "nope, I'm gonna help mom with your food" I teased as I walked into the kitchen. Mom wasn't in there so I quickly pulled out my diary.


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