Oneshot - The Bed's Too Big Without You

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January, 1989

I had waited up all night for John and I was exhausted. I took one last look out the large window, admiring Tokyo's cityscape, before making my way to the bathroom to get ready for bed. It's freezing, I thought to myself as I pulled off my nightgown. Closing the door of the ensuite behind me, I scurried onto the bed and hopped in. As I pulled the covers over my shivering body, I thought about how big the bed felt without John. His pillow lay before me, but his head wasn't resting on it. I sighed, then rolled over. Despite being so tired, it took me a while for me to fall to sleep but eventually, my eyes fluttered shut...

I was awoken by the jangling of keys in the door as it slowly creaked open, revealing a sliver of light from outside. A dark figure tiptoed across the hotel room, in an attempt to not wake me. Too late for that, I thought. I closed my eyes and rolled over, trying my best to fall back to sleep. I heard the shower start. When the gushing of the shower ceased, the door of the ensuite swung open. A cloud of steam came my way as the figure made their way for the bed. After removing the towel wrapped around his waist, he slid into the bed, pulling the covers over his body. John shuffled forward and wrapped his arms around my waist. I could feel his naked body pressed against my back. I smiled as I felt his soft lips caress my shoulder.

I felt his gentle fingers pull away from my waist and trail up my spine. He placed a small kiss on each vertebrae. 

"I love you." He whispered, my ear tingling from his hot breath. I rolled over so I could face him. Eyes wide open, my hand moved to his cheek. For a moment he seemed surprised that I was awake, but soon relaxed and returned my amorous gaze.

"I love you too, John." I smiled, leaning in. Our lips met, tongues swirling harmoniously. John's body felt so warm, so safe. His arms draped around my neck, he pulled me close. So close that I didn't think we could be any closer. I ran my fingers through his hair as our lips continued to collide. A soft moan escaped from my lips. John dragged a finger across my cheek, down to my neck, then my chest. I pulled away from the kiss to take a moment to admire his eyes. His beacons of rich brown were laced with exhaustion, but also warmth. I smiled, leaning my head on his chest. And we laid there, for a few moments.

I sat up and placed a hand on John's shoulder. He smiled back at me, placing his hands on my waist. I leant forward and planted a kiss on his neck. Then another on his collarbone. Then his chest. His hands glided up my back, pulling me closer. I slowly lied back down, taking my place at John's side. 

"I missed you tonight." I sighed, my head resting beside John's. He took my hand, gently placing a string of kisses along my knuckles. 

"I missed you too, y/n. All I ever think about when we're apart is you." He cooed, wrapping his arms tightly around me. Our lips met once last time, before slowly parting. I closed my eyes, hoping to wake the next day to experience more and more of my amazing life with John Taylor...

because we love this guy - JOHN TAYLORWhere stories live. Discover now