1. Kristen and Dax

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Oh, hey! Welcome back. How you doing?

That Christmas break was pretty good for me, not gonna lie. It helped me feel motivated to write better. But I've already written three chapters of this before the break, so... well, we'll see, yeah?

Hope you're enjoying this so far! If you are, hey, give it a vote. Give it a laugh. Give me a follow. Give yourselves a hug. Yeah! I dunno where I'm going with this.

But anyway, let's begin, shall we? See ya!


SMOSH SUMMER GAMES: Gotta Catch 'Em All!
Kimmy's Point of View


I rub my eyes as I wake up. I feel a bit tired for some reason, but I made sure I got at least six hours of sleep last night. When you're really in your late 20s, everything just feels insanely odd. You always ask yourself whether it's natural that your body's acting weird, or you're just being paranoid. It's usually a combination of both.

It's only seven in the morning, but we had to shoot the trailer today. As much as I love the summer, I'm more of a spring girl. Nope, I'm not your autumn girl who drinks pumpkin spice lattes and wears checkered scarves with neutral colors for beanies and boots. Spring is just a ton of fun, even though we get allergic. The cool breeze coinciding with the incoming hot air is something else.

The problem with that right now is that it is scorching hot. The resort we picked out wasn't too bad, and the best part of it was that it had so many areas we could shoot the Games from. There was a beach, the pool area, the nearby field. I was so tempted to play ball with the kids there, but Courtney pulled me back because we do not want bruised ankles right before Games.

Anyway, Summer Games. It's my second time joining, and it's always a ton of fun to look forward to. Since the pandemic's done and left for dead, we're all about going out! And you know who also loves going out? The Pokémon Company. They love it so much that they're actually sponsoring half of the production for Summer Games alongside Mythical. The entire resort was booked for company crew, and it is a bit intimidating to work with a huge group of people, but they are all so nice.

Thanks to them, the theme of this year's Summer Games was Pokémon. I love it! Everyone loves Pokémon, and because I'm so behind on my knowledge of Ash and his Pikachu, I did a bit of research on it. I saved a lot of bookmarks on my phone, and I even almost made a reviewer for the heck of it. We're only focusing on the first five generations of Pokémon though, so that made things easier for us.

It's been about ten minutes since I woke up, so I should stop narrating things in my head, yeah? I head to the bathroom, yawning as I see Jackie's bed completely done. Good for her, she must have been up early. I enter our shared bathroom and turn on the lights.

And that is when I screamed very loudly, "Oh my God!"

Upon seeing myself in the mirror and hearing my voice, I could only shake. Holy crap. I was a guy. I was in a dude's body. I am a guy right now, and I know who this guy is. "Am I... Damien?" I mumble, looking at my shaky hands before looking at my reflection again.

Oh my God. I am Damien.

I'm literally Damien right now, and not in a mood kind of way. I move my arm, but it's Damien's arm. I blink rapidly, but it's Damien's eyes. I run my fingers through my hair, but it's Damien hair. I look at my chest, definitely not my chest.

I hear the door to the room open, and I know what that means. "Dude, are you okay?" Shayne asks as he peers into the bathroom. "You look like you've seen a ghost. I heard you all the way from Ian's room."

Shipped and Switched [Kimmien]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin