✐Chapter One

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The stars shone brightly that night. It would be perfect for stargazing, only if it was safe.

Yeah, stargazing wasn't safe. Could you imagine a world where laying on the grass, and staring up at the beautiful night sky could be life threatening.

In this world, yes, it was very scary. Especially for the first tiers. You see, this world is categorized in tiers. Completely unfair, but it's how the world worked.

Now, everyone was born with a set of powers. It could take years to develope your first power, or you could be cursed to no powers. Now, this was rare. Very rare. And even so, there was centers for the powerless, with charities.

They would be in the first tier category, the weakest bunch. Either born with no powers, one power or weak powers. They heavily depended on charities, but when these first rankers had no charities to lean on, they would go to their second option.

Illegal options. Drugs, basically. Power enhancements. Special pills that could strengthen your current powers, or even give you new powers. And which is why they're illegal, very hated on.

Schools, teachers, parents, every adult you could imagine always forced on you as a kid to never ever buy these. Brainwashing people when they're impressionable kids basically.

Making up white lies about these pills, about if you take one pill, you'll get hooked. And it's not as simple as to stop taking them and throw away the bottom.

Far from that.

In fact, the addiction isn't the feeling of power. Of being stronger than the others, stronger than the world wanted you to be. No, actually it's pain. Once off the pill, it feels like your body is betraying you.

Eating you out from the inside, slowly taking over everything. Making you vomit your own blood, and as if you're being attacked from all directions. Now, there was never really proof of this.

But there were warnings everywhere, posterboards. It was like carved into your brain, you'd be insane if you ever thought about taking the pills. Various drug stores would contain these pills though, but they would be taken down.

And, a law created not too long ago, everytime someone bought a bottle of pills, tons of information would need to be written down. So, if the pills were illegal, the police could track them down before they could do anything potentially dangerous.

The second tier, below average. Now, these people would love to pick on the ones below them. Their logic being, with practice they'd get stronger themself.

And they wouldn't want to fight higher tiers, that was asking to be put in the hospital and have a X mark on you from that person at all times. So, the next best option?

Picking on the weaklings. But of course, picking on the weaklings never actually improved them. Maybe by a little, but never the improvement they wanted. Because they need a challenge, but never got one.

Their best option was to fight the same tier members as them, but why they didn't? It seemed like a answer nobody could answer. Maybe not even the second tiers themself.

Most guessing it was too much effort. Too much of the same strength against them, too much energy burnt out. So, when their powers didn't get as strong as they wanted to, they started to take their anger out on anything but themself.

And who could easily blame for their problems? The lower tiers. So of course, they felt powerful against them, and yet weaker against the stronger ones.

The stronger ones usually being the third tier. The average. They didn't pick on the lower tiers unless the lower tiers picked a fight with them. They didn't care about making themself stronger, and they didn't care that there were stronger than them.

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