The Dream(edited)

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Morgan smiled as he got out of the break room with two cups of coffee in his hand.

"Here you go, Pretty Boy," Derek said, handing the cup with extra sugar and extra cream to Reid. Reid looked up from where he was sitting on his desk his and eagerly took the cup. He put the cup on the corner of the desk so that he could set his file in a way where he could sit on his chair criss-cross and enjoy his coffee and do his work. He took the coffee in both of his hands and took a big sniff of his too sweet coffee. Morgan chuckled looking at Reid and his antics.

"You know you can take a break and get back to work, right?"

"But I don't wanna take a break. I took a long lunch because I was so hungry," Reid said pouting.

"You took your lunch at 1:00pm and it's already 5:00pm. If you want I can get you something to eat," Morgan said softly.

"No. . .but, can I go see Garcia for a little while after."

"Sure, Pretty Boy, is everything okay, though?"

"Yeah," Reid said quickly, "everything is great."

Morgan smiled knowing exactly why Spencer wanted to go to Garcia's office. Garcia had told him about Pretty Boy's visits. Derek thought it was actually rather cute.

It was already 10:00 pm and Derek was still here at the BAU office and Spencer was nowhere to be seen. Derek was about to panic his brains off when he realized that Spencer was still in Garcia's office. Usually, Spencer came back from Garcia's office around 9:00 and waited for Derek to finish the reports so that they could go home.

"Hey, ready to go---"

"Shhhh!" Garcia said turning around to face Derek who was frozen at the door. Garcia had been working on the bottom few computers and the rest of computers and the walls had pictures and pictures of puppies, kittens, baby animals, babies smiling, and flowers. In the corner was Spencer all snuggled up and sleeping with one of Garcia's little stuff animals still in his hand.

"He was so tired," Garcia was saying, "usually he just comes in to surround himself with pretty pictures. He's been hanging these up around the room," Garcia gestured around the room.

Derek chuckled as he found a picture of himself in the corner where Spencer was sleeping in.

"Yeah. I told him to take a break but he wouldn't listen. He said he took a long lunch and that he wanted to come and visit you, Baby Girl," Derek said looking up from Spencer's peaceful face to look at Garcia looking at him amusingly.

"What? What's wrong?

"Nothing, my Chocolate Thunder. I just love it when you look at him like that. It's so cute. Boy Wonder is lucky to have you. And you're lucky to have him. Have you been taking care of him?"

"Of course, Baby Girl."



"Tell me, what it is. You've got this look on your face like you want to say something."

"What, you a profiler, now, Baby Girl?" Derek said smiling.

"Uh huh. Speak, Profiler."

"It's just. . .it's so. . .it's just that. . .I'm scared. Everything still feels like a dream, you know. Like I'm going to wake up soon and I'm just going to be alone. Just like I was before I met you guys. Just like I was before I met Spencer."

"Ten years with the BAU. Five years with me. Seven years since you've known Spencer. A year married with the Junior G-man, and you STILL think this is a dream? Wake up, Baby! You got a bright future ahead of you. Don't be scared my Chocolate Adonis, Boy Wonder will take good care of you," Garcia said flicking Derek's nose before pulling him into a hug. Derek leaned into the hug and stood there for a bit until Garcia pulled away.

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