After the Concert

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After the concert, I wait for Ryan....and Nash, Ian, and Jamie. 

"Hey, Y/N, did you enjoy the show?" asks Jamie.

"That, was incredible," I answer. 

"Aww, you're too kind!" says Ian teasingly. We all start to laugh.

"Hey. how are you getting home?" wonders Ryan.

"I'll probably just take a cab or something," I respond.

"No, I'll drive you," says Ryan, as he leads me to his car. I don't question and just follow him.

This turned out to be a really nice day! Free concert, plus an extremely hot guy driving me home, BONUS. 

"My apartment is right there," I quickly say. Ryan parks his car in front of it, then quickly gets out of the car, opening my door.

"Thank you," I say. I smile at him, he smiles back. He walks me to my door, where we stop and look at each other.

"I had a really nice time," I say.

"Yeah, so did I," he responds.

I rummage through my purse, looking for the key, then as soon as I found it, I unlock the door. 

"Wait, Y/N," says Ryan. I turn around and suddenly feel Ryan's soft lips on mine. At first I was stunned, but then as the kiss grew deeper, I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his around my waist. We broke the kiss in need of air, our foreheads still touching.

Ryan then said, "So...nice place you got here." We both laugh, then continue kissing.

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