Chapter 5

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Jake led me through the thumping crowd and tuned and smiled at me as we got to the center. I jumped up and down as my favorite song came on, “Ohmygosh! It's my favorite song!!” He smiled as he pulled me close. I wrapped my arms around his neck as my hips started natually moving to the beat of the song. I turned around and leaned my head back against his chest as my body melted perfectly into his. I smiled to myself. This really couldn't get any better. Besides the fact that we won't be together this weekend doesn't really bother me because I can only look forward to school on monday. I felt Jake's arm slide around my waist and I looked up. His beautiful brown eyes were looking down into mine. He bent down and kissed me. It seemed as if everything around us faded and it was just, us.....until, someone tapped Jake on the shoulder. We stepped away from eachother and faced some guy I've never seen before.

“Ey man, this your girl? Sorry to interrupt, but were about to play a game in the back and Mark said you were good. You in?”

Jake looked down at me, eyebrow raised. I shoved him forward, “Go! Have fun! I'll try and find if anybody I know is here.” He nodded and gave me a quick kiss before following that guy out. I turned and looked for the table where the drinks and food was. Someone yelled my name from across the room and waved, I moved through the crowd and saw that it was Melaine and Emma, Paul and Mark's girlfriends.

“Hey!” I gave them a each hug and asked how they've been. I tried to think when the last time was that I've seen them but since we don't go to the same school, I didn't know.

“Hey girl! You look great, love the dress!” Emma said.

“Yeah! I would ask where you got it but I probably won't up going,” Melaine laughed and tossed her long hair over her shoulder and bent in, “Are you still with Jake?”

I bit my lip, not being able to control the smile that came onto my lips with just the mention of his name. I nodded, “Yeah.”

“Aw, yall are SO cute. We should all get together some time! He still in football?”

I nodded.

“And your still in swim? I remember you winning every race in junior high.” I froze for a moment but I didn't want them to see so I shook my head, “No. Actually I'm a football trainer now!” I kinda had to talk loudly since the music seemed to be getting louder. The girls nodded and said that it was a great idea. I told them it was good to see them and that we needed together when I excused myself.

I finally found the refreshments table after wandering through the big crowd and poured myself some root beer. I occasionally drink beer but I saw the root beer first. I laughed to myself. I was grabbing some chips when some very muscular arms wrapped around my waist,

“Hey sexy.”

“Hi.” I said with a mouth full. I covered my mouth because I knew I sounded weird and had to keep myself from spitting out the food since I was laughing. I turned around and smiled at Jake. “How was the game?”

“Good. Our team won. Having fun?”

I nodded and swallowed, “Yeah, I saw Emma and Melaine. They look really good. We all need to get together soon.” Jake agreed and asked if I wanted to dance somemore.

“I was actually about to head out back to get some air, it's hot.” I told him.

He smiled, “Hey, lets go change into our swimsuits and get the guys and the girls and we'll jump in the lake, its ought to be cooler than outside or in here. What do you think?”

I nodded with excitement and took his hand and guided him outside. Going out the door, I bumped into a very hard chest. I looked up and saw the same blue eyes that were watching me at lunch today.

“Sorry. Do I um,do I know you from somewhere?” I asked him.

“Later.” was all he said before he headed into the party. I frowned when Jake stepped next to me, “What was that about?”

“I have no idea.” I said in pure honesty. He nodded and we walked out to the car.

I opened the passenger door and put my bag on the seat, digging for my swimsuit. Finding it, I looked around us and made sure that no one was around. I grabbed the hem of my dress and pulled it over my head and took off my heels, putting the outfit in the back seat. I looked up when someone cleared their throat and saw Jake was staring at me, “What?” I asked. He walked around the car, “Let me have the honors.” I was confused on what he was talking about when he put me against the car and started kissing my neck, making me moan. I let my head fall back into his hands as he turned me around and unhooked my bra with his teeth, kissing different spots on my back. He threw my bra in the car and turned me back, facing him. Picking up my hair, I through it into a quick bun while he grabbed my top from the front seat. He put my top on,tying it in the back since it was a tube top and sucked my neck.

“Jake..” I don't think I can stand much longer I wanted to say, but I didn't have much breath to do so.

“I'm almost done,baby.” I moaned as he got on his knees and started kissing my stomach and spread my legs while he moved closer and closer to my midsection. His tongue went in and started wandering around. My hands went straight to his hair and gripped tight. He flicked his tongue in response, knowing what he was doing to me. “Oh my god Jake!” My knees started buckling and when I was preparing myself to fall, he was up holding me up. He kissed me, “They say sugar is bad for you but your candy is so sweet, it can only be good for me.” I smiled at him and reached to put on my bottoms.

After putting them on, Jake went to the other side of the car to change. I was going to help but stopped when someone called my name from the trees. I closed the car door and looked, not sure if I was just hearing things. I barely walked forward when I was grabbed by someone who was behind the tree,

“Miss me?”

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