Chapter 4

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“Thank you so much. Have a good day.” I gave my counselor a smile and headed towards Jake's car since it was Friday. I just got my schedule changed out of swim and into boys athletics seventh period so I could be a manager\trainer. I don't want to go in that locker room anymore, I even had Ashley bring me my stuff out of my locker. No one knows what happened and that's fine but I wonder if Michael told anyone.I shuddered at the thought of his name. No, I won't be thinking about him. I'm supposed to be having fun tonight and will not let him ruin it.

“Jake!” I yell his name from across the lot and see him turn with a grin on his face.

“Hey babe! Ready to party?” I nodded and jumped into his arms and he hugged me really tight.

“Cant...breathe...” I struggled to get out. He put me down lightly and said sorry while laughing. “But can we stop by my house so I can pick up some clothes?”

He nodded as we put the car in drive and drove to my house. I needed to pick up my swimsuit and a change of clothes.

“So I'm not leaving to Delaware till 1 tomorrow, what time are you leaving to go to your dad's? If your not leaving till later in the day, we could stay at Mark's house since it's so far down the lake.”

“I'm not leaving to my dads till 5 tomorrow, court times. So yeah, we can stay if you want.”

He smiled, “Tonight's going to be great.” He grabbed my hand and started tracing it. We got to my house and I jumped out, “Wanna come in real quick or do you want to stay out here like a loser?” I winked at him and skipped to my porch. I was almost to the steps when he lifted me off the ground and turned me towards him swinging me around and landing a kiss before he put me back down.

“What was that for?” I asked while blushing, after a year and a half, he STILL has me blushing.

“I just don't think I  get to kiss you enough.” He carressed my face and gave me another kiss but this one...was filled with desire and happiness and I couldn't help but deepen it. He pulled back and groaned. “The things you do to me woman.” I bit my lip and said sorry, grabbing his hand and pulling him up the steps.

“Okay. Toothbrush, check. Swimsuit, check. Shorts and a tee, check. Sperries, check. I think I have everything.” I zipped up my adidas bad and dropped it by my door and looked over at Jake and saw him flipping through my moms Cosmo magazine. I laughed to myself and started pulling out a cute party dress and heels to wear tonight. I pulled off my shirt and started shimmying off my shorts when I felt warmth behind me. “Why....Why me?” Jake whispered in my ear with a very seductive voice. I leaned back and rested my head against his chest and realized he was still dressed. I had to change that. I turned around to face him and pushed him on to my bed and climbed on top of him, straddling him. I leaned over and kissed him while his hands rubbed my back.

“Tev....” I went to the hem of his shirt and pulled it over his head throwing it on the floor. My eyes just gawking at his chest. I can never get enough of this, he is so sexy. I was thrown off guard when he switched our positions and I was under him. He leaned down and kissed me passionatley. One hand was carressing my face while the other one went to unhook my bra. My chest automatically heaved upwards as he started kissing my neck. I wanted him so badly. My hands slid down his chest and started to unbuckle his jeans. Once I got them unbuckled, I put my feet on either side of his hips and pulled them down. Genius, I know.

I gasped as his lips started wandering down from my throat. I moaned as he bit my underwear and literally ripped them off. He smirked as he started to move in. I can't describe how much better he made me feel. He makes me forget about all the bad things of the past and only makes me think of the present, now.


My finger is stroking his chest while our bodies are entangled in eachother. I look up at him and see him smiling, “You never seize to amaze me,Tev.” I leaned up and kissed him. “You have no idea what you do to me.” I whispered against his lips. He smiled and kissed me back. I pulled back and said, “But I'm pretty sure we should be heading out soon since the party is in like 2 hours.” He nodded realizing it would take us about an hour and a half to get there and we still have to stop at his place.

He started getting up and I groaned already missing him next to me. He got up and winked at me, “We still have tonight. Let's get dressed.”

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