Chapter 2

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“And then he grabbed my dad by the shoulders and said 'If I was drunk I would tell you that I have a swiss account full of frogs and butts, but I dont have drunk and Im not a swiss account.' My brother is SO retarded. Alright well,I'll see you later Tev,bye!”

I laughed and said bye to Ashley as I was drying my hair out with my towel from swim. She was telling me about her latest family reunion. Let me tell you, her family is CRAZY. I opened my locker and started to grab my stuff to take a shower,-

“Tavvy.” Only one person calls me that.

I slammed my locker and came face to face with a grinning Michael.

“What do you want.”

“Isn't it obvious?” He stepped closer. Which only made me step back.

“Get away from me Michael.”

“Not until I get what I want.” He walked forward until I was backed against the wall. Not only the wall but the corner.

“Get out of my way.” I demanded.

He clicked his tounge and put his arms on either side of me as I tried to move.

“No babe, your right where your supposed to be.”

I suddenly got an idea, I started to raise my knee to knee him in the crotch when he grabbed my thigh and wrapped it around his leg instead, chuckling.

“Nice try, but I'm not as dumb as you think. You know, I'm really glad I go to this school because it seems that our school is the only one that gives our swim team a bikini to swim in rather than a one-piece. Shows off your curves.”

With that he pulls me against him while pressing himself against me and starts kissing my neck.

“Get off of me!!” But he doesn't listen. His hands start traveling my body, till they get to my back and he starts fiddling with the tie.

“You know you have the best breasts I have ever seen?”

I push him really hard, “Get off you perv!!” I leave my towel and everything and start to run out when he grabs my wrists and pulls me back, hard. I gasp as he shoves me up against the wall, my head slamming it.

“Your not leaving till I get what I want.” He snarled. He slipped his hand under my top and yanked the swimsuit over my head and started groping me. That's when I started to scream. He backed up and slapped me hard across the face. I slid to the ground whimpering and clutching my face,

“You better shut the hell up. We can do this the easy way or we can do this the hard way. Your choice. And look, were already almost halfway done.” I started to crawl away when he grabbed my ankle and slid me back, climbing on top of me in the process.

I screamed, “Let go! Get off of me! Somebody He-” he pressed his lips against mine and I moved my head side to side to try and get him off since my hands were under his knees. I screamed against his mouth. He sat up and picked up his hand as if to hit me again.

“Please don't. Don't hit me again.” I whimpered moving my hand to the side.

He smirked, “Then you better let me finish.”

This is when it hit me, I was going to get raped by this guy. I don't know how to get out, I don't want this. Whatever did I do?

His hand was travelling down my stomach and before I knew it my bottoms were off and he was wondering around.

I want to go, Somebody help me.

I could only cry.

I couldn't scream without getting hurt, I'm so scared.

“Your doing gr-”

“TEVAH?” pause. “ARE YOU IN HERE?”

I was relieved. It was Paul's voice, one of Jake's friends.


Michael looked at me with fury in his eyes and slapped me hard in the face which made me whimper even more.

“Paul...” I whispered.

“Tev, where are you?” pause. “Oh my gosh Tev. Are you okay?”

I realized that I was crumbled in a ball crying, holding my face.

He was gone. Michael was gone. And I just looked like a crumbled mess on the floor.

Paul grabbed the towel and placed it over me, “I'm going to go get Jake.”

“No,” I managed to choke out, “Stay with me. Please.” I don't want to be alone. Paul nodded and sat next to me, placing my head on his lap. He pulled out his phone and called Jake, “Jake, man you got to come down here. Yes, Yes I found her. It's bad.” He hung up and stroked my hair telling me it was going to be okay, but it wasn't.

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