Bring A Plus One - Part Two

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"Uh, this food is so good."

Spencer looked up from his own plate, his expression blank now that he'd heard me say it about fifty times already.

But come on, breaded camembert cheese and cranberry sauce? Divine.

Now a roast dinner? Perfection.

"It is pretty nice," he nodded before going back to cutting up a bit of his meal.

"Pretty nice? You kidding me? I could marry this chicken," I groaned, cutting into a roast potato and coating it in gravy and vegetables.

"Good luck finding anywhere that would allow that union, even in Vegas you wou-...actually, I won't finish that sentence, even I'm not entirely sure on that"

I leaned back in my seat, looking away and hold the back of my hand to my mouth to hide the grossness in there as I laughed, also trying to not splutter on my food as I finished my mouthful.

"Wow, even the great Dr. Reid can admit defeat?"

"Only when it comes to Vegas."

I smiled and nodded slowly, cutting up another bit of chicken.

"We can just be glad there's variety and it's not all shrimp," I rolled my eyes affectionately, "she does love a good bit of shrimp."

"I guessed from how much she ate one time at Rossi's," he chuckled softly, setting his cutlery down as he finished eating. "Did you know that approximately five billion pounds of shrimp are produced every year? And Americans are estimated to eat around one billion of those pounds?"

My eyebrows slowly rose and my head tilted.

"Wow, so that leaves another four billion for her."

"Doesn't sound like enough if you ask me."

I snickered, pointing my fork at him, "Only I can mock my best friend."

"You know, she's technically my best friend by proxy now."

Narrowing my eyes, I huffed and turned my fork back towards myself.

"Just tell me more facts, Google."


"So, earlier you said that you were 'unfortunately' driving," I said, looking at him while pausing to sip my drink, "were you looking forward to letting loose?"

The night was wearing on.

Speeches were made, meals had been eaten, desserts had been inhaled and alcohol was flowing well enough to get people into a happy little buzz.

The music had picked up and many were dancing in a tipsy stupor while others mingled between themselves.

Spencer had gone off a few times to speak to someone, I would presume from his team, and I wandered about to have brief catchups with some of her family and other shared friends, though that was a small number.

Eventually, we both ended up gravitating back to our little table, talking for a while and then separating again.

The mood hadn't taken me to get up and dance just yet, but it was only a matter of time, so as I waited it out, I sat with Spencer and indulged in some light fruity alcohol.

"No, I prefer not to drink to the point of inebriation," he replied.

I snickered softly at the way he put it, I was starting to think that he was incapable of putting things in the simpler terms.

"I get it, I don't drink much myself, but if not that then what? If you don't mind me asking of course"

"Not at all," he smiled, letting out a small huffed laugh, "I have a reputation among the team for not being the best driver, which is fine I prefer not to drive, I use public transport to get around usually."

"Until you have a wedding to get to."


"Well, at least you can drive."

"You don't?"

"Nope, partially by choice."

"How ecological."

"We'll stick with that, it makes me feel better," I said, choosing to ignore the teasing edge to his smile.

Instead, I turn my attention to the bride and groom, who were all over each other on the opposite side of the room, getting ready to cut the cake.

Keeping my eyes trained on them, I turned my head towards Spencer.

"I need to run something by you."

Spencer looked up, almost looking a little panicked as he nodded to give the go ahead.

"Okay, so you're a profiler."


I give him a deadpanned look, which only earns me another cheeky grin in return.

"So, I can't be the only one that picked up on the fact that we're the only two seat table here, right?"

"I did notice, I noticed when I saw the seating plan over Morgan's shoulder during planning."

"When was this?" My eyebrow arched upward, my glass coming to my lips.

"About four months ago."

I narrowed my eyes and glared towards the two.

As if on cue, she turned towards me and made direct eye contact, her best friend sense no doubt tingling that I was watching her.

She knew that I was onto her.

Ever since she'd returned from her first outing with the team she had been raving about how great Spencer was, how he was so smart, how he was a total nerd and a bookworm, totally my type.

To say that she was less than subtle would be an understatement, I knew it was only a matter of time before she tried something, though I'd foolishly not expected her to drag Derek into it.

Their plan was executed right under our noses.

And damn seemed to be working.

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