part three

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The smell of perfume was heavy and entrapped in Korra's nose. 

She fought against the urge to succumb back to sleep and sat up with a groan. Panic set in once she realized that she wasn't in her typical bed back home. The satin sheets twisted around her body as she struggled to get out of the foreign bed.

Where the hell was she?

Did she sleep with someone? Must have, this was not her room. 

The bed seemed to stretch on for miles, yet her body was the only one who occupied the space. Scurrying out of the bed, she found her clothes folded neatly on a desk across the room. 

Korra's hands stopped mid-air from picking it up once she noticed there was a picture, presumably of the owner of the room, next to her belongings. Her heart dropped to her stomach. 

Had she slept with Asami?! And not remembered it?!

Korra had begun complete panic mode, cursing herself for not being able to resist Asami's delicious body, when she remembered the events that had unfolded just a few hours prior. 

She had not slept with her former friend, it had been an innocent sleepover for the sake of Asami's wellbeing.

Attempting to wipe the seemingly permanent blush off her face, she splashed herself with cold water in the bathroom after getting dressed before heading downstairs.

 If she hadn't spent years at the other's house, Korra would have certainly gotten lost in the labyrinth of large hallways and expensive decor. 

The kitchen was found empty, so she decided to scour the place to look for the missing female. 

Thankfully, Asami would not have been able to do the morning walk-of-shame.

 Mainly because she was already at her house, but also because the two women had not slept together. 

Was there an 'I abandoned my best friend for years and showed up like nothing happened and I saw her naked and now I don't know how to act around her' walk-of-shame? 

Korra was certain that she would have been doing that at the moment.

Hopefully, it didn't come with any side effects such as a guilty conscience or romantic feelings towards her former best friend.

Asami was found in her workshop, hard at work repairing a busted car. Hair pulled back and found in a Sato logo-ed uniform, she seemed concentrated on her latest project. Soot covered a corner of her chin, dusting the area lightly. Her green eyes peered up, quite seductively Korra noted, and watched as the shorter one inched closer.

"Couldn't even stay in bed long enough to wait for me," Korra scolded and folded her arms. She rested her body against a side door of the broken car.

A small snort was let out from the other woman as she continued to tinker with the mechanics of the engine. "Didn't think you'd miss me so much."

"Did you want me to miss you?" She inched closer, the mischievous smirk plastered back on Korra's face.

The taller woman paused and poked her head out to look over at her. "Don't get all cute."

 She dusted herself off and closed the hood of her car. As she leaned against it, Korra found herself hopelessly staring. The uniform fit her body tightly and wrapped around the curves of her tall figure. Asami had the other questioning just how much she wanted to keep their friendship.

She certainly wouldn't mind seeing her naked again.

"I am still very mad at you," The Sato woman muttered. 

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