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I walked along the path to the Skeld, crowds of people cheering me and 11 other people as we are the 1st people who will stay on a new planet called Polus. I had worked for MIRA for 3 years, showing great talent in keeping things going smoothly, so I was made co-captain of the Skeld. I loved space for years, so going out into space and living on a new planet for a month was a dream come true. I looked around at my other crewmates, each if us named by our colord suits. My friend Lime was next to me, he had been with me from the 1st day we met, so I was very glad to have him come along with me. Me, Lime, and Cyan were the newest to the Skeld. Soon we enter the Skelds seating room and we sit in our seats while the door closes and the sounds of cheering are silenced. We wait for launch so we can see the home we'll all be living in until we get to Polus. Soon Commander White popped out of his seat and looked around. Soon he saw me. He walks up to me and looks around at the other people. 

"Alright, we'll be leaving Earth very soon, so I want everyone to behave." He says it like a threat.

"This is Co-captain Red, and she'll take over the Skeld if I am injured or killed." He says with a iron fist.

Killed? I doubt he'll be killed. Die maybe, but killed? I've heard the storys about people becoming monsters and killing everyone, but that won't happen to your ship, right?

"Right, let's make sure everyone is here" White says, and he looks down at the paper he's holding.

He looks up again and scans the room. Making sure everyone is here, he stares longer at Black and Cyan as if he was telling them something. Black was whites good friend and Cyan was a good fixer, but I heard that he came from a ship infested with imposters and he and another person made it out alive. 3 weeks later that person killed 36 people and was killed. A alien. 

"Everyone is here. Good. I'll tell ground control to release the ancors so we can launch."

He starts to walk over to the communication device but stops, looking back at me. 

"Oh, one last thing" he says to me

"Keep an eye on the crew Red, I'll take care of the other stuff."

Everyone looks at me and I blush, proud to be the boss of the crew. White says something through the speaker and soon sounds of giant metal rods can be heard falling down, startling everyone.

"Buckle up everyone! We're going to launch!" I yell at my crew as the engines can be heard starting.

I hear White say to Ground control that the Skeld is ready. Everyone braces themselves and white sits down. The number 10 pops up in front of everyones helmets and we start to count.





I hold on tight to the chair






Everyone yells at the same time


The Skeld was launched into space so fast, it all happened so quickly.

Still stunned, everyone starts to get out of their seats and walks to the door into the Skelds main room. Black opens the door while White urges us to get out of the seating room. When everyone was out Black closes the door and the room launches away, going back to Earth. We watch till Earth is nothing but a dot. Soon we start to look around at our new home, a big place it was.

"Right, me, black, purple, and green have been on this ship durning test flights, so we know the way around. Follow us to learn about the ship" White says while he urges everyone to follow him.

I look around by myself and find a place called Electrical. Soon I spot cyan in the doorway. I explore the room more before the door shuts and I'm cast in darkness. I look around for cyan. Soon I feel something on my should. I touch it and it feels wet and warm. I wonder what it is until I realize it felt like a tongue.

Awakening Love (An Imposter Love Story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon