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5 weeks later....

*Shays POV*

It's been five weeks since the first time me and Severide had sex. I find myself in the firehouse bathroom in tears and nauseous. Dawson by my side we await the results of the pregnancy test. I peed on the stick and set the time for exactly five minutes. Dawson Will you do me a favor and find Kelly I would like him here with me when we find out the results. 30 seconds later Severide appears come to find out he was outside the restroom waiting for me. Severide knelt down next to me and clutched my hand "calm down if doesn't happen this time there's always next time". I turned and punched Kelly's arm it's not funny it not like it was good or anything! I'm just kidding don't get offended Love you Kelly!

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1........

I don't wanna look, you and Dawson look Kelly, as I cover my face and peak out to my pinkie finger.

*Kelly POV*

On three Dawson, flip it over 1 2 3 my mouth hit the floor, I rubbed my eyes and took a second glance. Two faint plus signs had appeared.

*Shays POV*

Can one of you guys at least say something.... I mumbled with tears in my eyes. "OMG". Dawson shouted...WHAT? I cant believe it. I glanced over and saw two pink plus signs. I couldn't help myself I jumped in Kelly's arms wrapping my legs around his waist and kissing him on the lips. But he wasn't stupid he didn't say a word. Kelly we're going to be parents!!! Let's keep this between ourselves and Dawson. And Casey probably until we go to the doctor and confirm. As for the rest of the day me and Casey Were secret meetings about his surprise proposal That he has been planning for months now. Casey is taking Dawson on a weekend getaway and has a very elegant night planned for the two of them. Including a romantic dinner with desert and wine, star gazing extravaganza and to top the night off back in the hotel room rose petals, champagne and the gorgeous ring Casey and I picked out. Dawson has been waiting for this moment for years. Everyone at 51 knows how in love they are headquarters just doesn't allow any in-house relationships. But like Boden said what they don't know won't hurt them! You can even see the love and passion they have for each other in their eyes. Casey has been stressed out or weeks now trying to make this night perfect he wants Dawson to have her own little fairytale. As everything settles down at the firehouse Dez's wife officer Gutierrez with Chicago PD's intelligence unit stops by to meet everyone at 51.

* Gutierrez POV*

As I pull up at the firehouse and get out of My white Jeep Wrangler which was a gift from Dez for making into the intelligent unit, I see Dez and Shay restocking the Ambo. I quietly come up behind Dez placing my hands over her eyes. Guess who? Dez spun around so quick almost knocking me over am placing a kiss my lips! PDA PDA Kelly screamed from the squad table. don't be jealous! i replied! baby come in and meet the boys.

One by one I went around and introduced the guys to Anna. would you like to join us for lunch Anna? Sure Mills thanks for the offer. Mills has been helping Dawson since you became the new candidate. everyone is just so welcoming here I think this might be my forever home! Soon after lunch Anna had to leave voiett called about a previous murder in needed the team to meet at the precinct.

The rest of the afternoon was quiet for us at 51 and everyone made it home safely the afternoon. And had plans to meet up at Mollys for drinks at 9pm. Boden and Donna arrive early, then comes Kelly and I, in comes Dawson and Casey basically attached at the hip. And then Dez and Anna holding hands. Hermann shouted from behind the bar first round on Mollys.

"Can I have a club soda of ginger ale please I'm not feeling to well". Shay whispered in Hermann's ear. Hermann's mouth dropped, does this mean? Hush Hermann it's not confirmed.. No one knows! Hermann gave Shay a quick smile and whispered congrats.

Boden stood from the stool I'd like to make a toast, you guys are my family and I just like to say thank you to everyone for treating me like family and inviting me to these things even though I'm go chief and also welcome to the family Dez you're doing an amazing job and I hope you make 51 your forever home!

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