Decisions, Decisions

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* Severide's POV*

I woke up to my phone buzzing on the nightstand, "I know you're still asleep but when you get up we need to talk about yesterday". Love you Shay!

I rollover and take a glance at the clock 6:45 AM holy shit Its early and our day off, Damn Shay must have been thinking about this all night.

I stagger out of bed and find a pair of sweats go into the bathroom wash my face and brush my teeth and head downstairs to the kitchen.

Shay was already in the kitchen with coffee in hand and a skillet on the stove. "Sit I'm making you breakfast"Shay said.

"I could get used to this maybe you should ask me serious questions every day" Severide said with a smile.

About five minutes past in the timer on the microwave went off an soon I was served The most crispiest brown bacon, a slice of wheat toast perfectly sun kissed, and an egg Sunnyside up.

*Shay POV*

Kelly I'm sorry if I bombarded you yesterday I have just decided that I want to be a mother and my internal clock is ticking and I thought to myself who would be a better father to my child than Kelly Severide himself! You have every characteristic that I would want my child to have.I've been to the sperm bank and it just doesn't feel right, I know it's a lot to take in so I understand if you want to think about it I just had to get how I'm feeling off my chest. And I kind a wanted to see how you felt about the whole idea, I mean hell were already best friends and roommates, but I promise that I won't be mad or upset if you decline my suggestion.

*Severides POV*

Speaking of getting things off of your chest I feel like I need to be completely honest with you. Shay I know you're a lesbian and all and you would never want to have any kind of relationship with me other than our friendship but I have to come clean....I love you like more than a friend Shay I've loved you since the day we met 8 years ago everything about you is perfect,you're beautiful you have a gorgeous smile and your personality is completely out of this world. I'm not trying to persuade you to like guys because we both know that won't ever happen. And I don't want you to feel any differently about me Or act awkward  around me because I came clean to you. But with that being said I have thought a lot about what you said yesterday and I be honored to have a child with you!

*Shay POV*

Kelly I'm flabbergasted I had no idea that you feel that way about me, I'm lost for words you know better than anyone I don't like men. So with me crushing your heart I will understand if you do not want to have a child with me. But if you still want to accept the offer we can go sit down with a pregnancy agency and figure out the route we wanna take for the insemination process. Because I don't think that I could have sex with you.

*Severides POV*

I held my feelings in for 8 years now but that still doesn't change the fact that you want a baby and I'm willing to help you achieve that goal. Call the doctor and make an appointment to have a Consultation. And when you're done with that will you come watch a movie with me?

The next morning.....

*Severides POV*

I woke up with shay in my arms I guess we must have fallen asleep Watching the movie last night. I didn't want to move I just wanted to watch her sleep all day she was so peaceful and stress free, about 10 minutes went by when shay rolls over and snuggles into my chest. as bad as I hated to I have to wake her we have to be at the firehouse in less than an hour.

45 minutes later

As we pull up to the firehouse we see Casey and Dawson giving each other one last kiss before becoming Lt. and candidate. Moments later me and Shay walk through the doors, good morning everyone! I carry shays bags to the locker room as she's gossiping to Dawson probably about our decision you know how women are!

*Shays POV*

Dawson we need to talk now! "Everything okay". Truck bay five minutes! I jump in the Ambo and Dawson's already sitting upright on the gurney with a panic look on her face. GUESS WHAT HAPPENED LAST NIGHT! Kelly and I have decided to...

And in that instant the alarm goes off "Truck 81, Ambulance 61 ,Squad 3 multiple car collision Highway 34 east bound.

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