Let the planning begin....

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So it's been a couple weeks since everything came out about me and Casey. And everyone seems to be taking it very well very excited for us and can't wait for it to be official. In the mean time we have a lot of planning to get done baby shower which we still have been able to keep it a secret some guys surprisingly enough Shay and Kelly are planning on revealing the news tomorrow at Molly's after their doctor's appointment. I am over the moon I cannot wait to meet this little peanut. Shay and Kelly are going to be the best parents. Shays about to start showing some of the guys have already been giving her hell for all the cheeseburgers shes been eating, little do they know she's eating for two!

*Shay's POV*

Kelly and I are set to go to our third ultrasound appointment tomorrow morning and we are also planning on telling the guys at Molly's tomorrow night. In anxious and excited all the same time I wonder how they're going to take the news or how this will affect me riding on the ambulance. Some paramedics I know have worked up until the baby is born others took maternity leave early I guess it all depends on the person and how's your body responds to pregnancy. Mine and Kelly's relationship had been great lately hes been nothing but a sweetheart to me, he always is but for some reason I thought our relationship would change once I got pregnant or even better have sex with him after knowing he's been in love with me for 8 years. I will be forever grateful that he is making me a mother and I'm sure hes going to be nothing less than a great father. Hes been there with me from the beginning even with my hormones raging, or I'm sobbing uncontrollably for no reason.

At Molly's........

**Severides POV**
Can I get everyone's attention please Shay and I have some every important news that we would like to share with you guys. "Let me guess you too have been having a secret relationship?" The guys from squad laughed. Ha you think that's funny? Huh? Well we haven't been having a secret relationship just some realtions..." Do what, are you kidding me?" Shay would you like to do the honors..

Kelly cut his eyes at me and reached down to grab my hand. Looked over once more and whispered you can do this your going to be a great mother! Well here goes nothing Kelly and I are. Umm........ pregnant! Its not going to affect my performance on the job or what I'm capable of doing at the house, I'm only about fourteen weeks, no we don't know the gender yet and no we aren't "item". But we thought you guys should know me and Kelly have been best friends for years now and he decided to help me become a mother because thats all I wanted to be besides a paramedic of course. Silence filled the room so quite you hear a pin drop off a 30 story building. I think everyone is just in shock I don't think they could form a sentence if they wanted to. Finally Hermann broke the silencr , so that's why you've been eating so much at chow... Congratulations you too as he knudges Casey you two are next my brother! Casey grabs Gabby's hand under the table. I think we will stuck to wedding planning but it doesnt just to practice! Grabby smacking Casey's arm with embarrassment.

**Boden POV**

Everyone grab a glass I'd like to make a toast water for the new momma please Hermann. Every one raised their glasses, To everyone at 51 with all the good bad and the ugly there have be tremendous changes with everyone these last couple months and I'd like to reconize everyone for adapting to those as easily as possible! Congradutaions Kelly and Shay! You guys will be great parents. The glasses clink and everyone starts cheering. Not to ruin the moment but first thing Monday I need to meet with you two I'm my office to work out a couple details.
No problem chief.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2015 ⏰

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