Chapter 9

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"Hey Becks," Jessie greeted, rapping the tip of her pen against a notepad.

"Hey. What's up?" Becca screeched, causing her to hold the phone away from her ear. When she resumed the call, she heard excited murmurings and the clink of glasses in the background. Jessie suddenly found herself wishing she was the one who'd travelled to Dubai, she needed to be herself again. Her chest squeezed tight. Pain. Anguish. All feels familiar to her.

"So, how's Dubai treating you na?" She asked, settling her back on the fluffy pillow and crossing her long legs.

"It's treating me great, honey. There's a lot to experience here. The amazing view, different tourist centers with blinding night lights. Seriously, I don't regret my trip one bit." Becca dissected a chunk of turkey with her fork and bit into it, moaning in delight.

"Fikkie and I are having lunch at one of these luxurious restaurants. Omo, everyone here is really hospitable." She paused her chewing as she heard a deep resigned sigh. Dropping her cutlery with a clang, she eyed Fikkie who was sitting across from her, a light frown marring her features.

"What's wrong, Jessica?" Becca inquired.

Jessie sniffed, she hadn't realized that tears were already welling in her eyes. "It's nothing. I just... it's just... I feel kinda tired of everything. I met with Valentina's dad at school today. And he... he.... he looks," she paused, searching for the right word to use in describing the man.

A gasp escaped Becca's glossy lips as she patted the ends with a napkin. "You don't say. What does he look like?" She smiled apologetically as her leg collided with Fikkie's under the candle lit table. He groaned, bright red liquid from his wine glass spilling on his black tailored slacks.

Jessica compressed her lips; the spasm contracted a muscle in her jaw. Hot tears streamed down her cheeks. "Oh no, why are you crying?" Becca asked, growing concerned about her friend's awkward behavior. She snapped her fingers, a promising idea forming in her head. "Is Dami over there?"

She cleaned snort from her nose, dragging in a shaky breath. "No, he isn't. I had to come back to my house. My parents are coming over to see me this evening."

"Okay... So what were you saying about Valentina's dad... How does he look like?" Becks repeated her earlier question.

Jessie almost snickered. "I don't know. He kinda looks pitiful."

Becca's loud hiss resounded through the speaker as it spread in waves, filling the corners of Jessie's quiet room. "You're something else my dear. There are families who can't afford three square meals talk less of training their child through school. I don't think the man would be that poor."

"No, Becks. I think you misunderstood what I said. I didn't say the man was poor. Far from that, he's just going through an awful lot is all," Jessica concluded, kicking her book to a far corner; she needed a long vacation.

"You know what? I keep seeing flashes of Valentina's dead body. This other night when I was at Dami's house, I had a strange dream."

"A strange dream you say?" Becca queried. "What was it about?"

Jessie shrugged. "I don't even know. It was a dark but I was able to see a demon cradling a baby."

Her friend huffed, taking a slow sip of her champagne. "You're overthinking things now. I think you need to calm down and clear your head from thoughts. You were the same person that said Fikkie had something to do with Valentina's death."

"Well, what if he did it? What if he's actually a demon incarnate?" Jessica slowly released breath from her mouth. She could feel worry lines forming on her forehead.

Becca laughed heartily. "My dear, stop stressing your poor head and go to rest okay. When was the last time you had a good sleep?"

Jessica wrinkled her nose, staring at a slight crack on her blue painted wall. "I knew you wouldn't believe me. You always think I'm crazy. Anyways, have fun on your date. Bye," she dismissed, cutting the call.

She yawned, stretching her stiff legs. Perhaps, she needed a good rest like her friend stated. She extended her body, her eyelids about to flutter close as she heard a loud knock on her door. Jessica groaned, taking all the time in the world to slide out of the comfort of her bed. She looked into the peephole before sliding the lock on her door. Her brows creased, palm growing clammy with sweat as she saw a brown envelope on her doorstep.

Heart hammering, eyes nervously darting here and there, she picked it up, slipping the dead bolt in place.

Her curiosity rose when she turned the envelope over and found her name inked in cursive script. She perched on the edge of her bed, ripping the envelope apart to reveal a well documented letter. Rather odd. Jessica gulped, thumbing through the opening paragraph.

Dear Jessica,

I know you are curious as to why this letter is addressed to you. Don't be afraid, you will know in due time. But for now, let me let you in on a little detail. Earlier on, I spotted you peeping at me through your room window as I gestured my guest in. I had no idea what you were thinking but all might not be as it seems. What if Fikkie wasn't actually my boyfriend? Have you ever thought about that? Probably not, because you never cared anyways.

At least, you don't show you do. You're my next door neighbor but we've never spoken a word to each other. Weird, I know. Well, let's leave that for another time and continue with my story. I was never dating Fikkie like everyone thought I was or even made myself believe. We were in an arranged relationship. The reason why was because his mum desperately needed someone to take care of him in school.

And we just happened to be friends and in the same department for that matter. Cliche, right? But, hold on. I never did mention that Fikkie is a sexy god in bed. Hahaha, I can see the wheels turning in your head right now. I wasn't meant to fall for him as against the signed agreement but I did. And it hurts, it hurts so bad that Fikkie doesn't feel the same way for me. You understand my pain, right?

It makes me want to give up on everything but I have to hang in there for him. He is my all. If you're reading this, try to keep watch on him. Could you do that for me? And please, don't snitch.

With love, Valentina.

Jessica's back kissed her bed, confusion and shock evident on her face.

After her parents had said their goodbyes, Jessica debated silently on whether to inform Becca or anyone about the letter. She thought long and hard, leaning against the hardwood of her bed. Scratching her head, a low groan escaped her parted lips at her plight.

Jessie rolled sideways, the crispy and cool sheets failing to dispel the bad feeling gnawing at her gut. Just then, her phone rang. She jerked forward, grabbing it from her bedside table. A quick look at the caller told her it was Dami.

"Babe, what's up?" She asked.

"Could I come crash at your place? Someone trashed my apartment."

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