"I guessed you worked together?" I say making it sound like a question.

His eyes widen and he starts chuckling, leaning back on the seat.

"I'd never work with this one," he says calming down. "You see, he's not very good with people, chatty-man over there," he says pointing at Zayn. "So he needs you and I to make decisions about some men he wants to work with," he finishes nodding his head.

I turn my head back to Zayn catching him staring at me, he rolls his eyes and looks back to the window.

"Shut up, Harry," he mumbles furious and it seems like he's containing himself.

Whatever it is that makes me do stupid things, makes me lay my hand on his thigh. His head turns towards me and his face seems much calmer, I caress the inside of his thigh trying to calm him and turn my face to Harry again.

"But I don't know anything about business," I explain carefully.

Zayn pushes my hand off his leg and I frown folding my arms over my chest. When I turn my gaze down to were I was touching him, my eyes scan further up to find a tighter crotch. I can't help biting my lip to stop a smile from forming.

"Neither do I! But as normal human beings we kind of know when someone's trust worthy or not," he points at Zayn again with out taking his eyes from me. "He doesn't, he skips it and doesn't trust anyone," Harry finishes, shrugging. It amazes me how slow he speaks, anyone would think he's telling us the meaning of life just for the way he says everything.

The car suddenly stopped and Zayn opened the door on his side.

"Can you get me a snack?" Harry asks before Zayn rolls his eyes and shuts the door. "Oh... I really fancied a snack," he says, pouting.

"I bet he'll bring it," I smile at him.

Zayn's nice in that way, he likes buying things for people, specially when they want things.

"He definitely won't, Livvy," he says with a chuckle and flips his phone out his pocket.

"What did you fancy?" I ask him with second thoughts in my mind.

"Something sweet, I don't know," he shrugs concentrating on the screen of his phone.

"What, exactly?" I ask annoyed.

"A twix? A kit-kat? I don't know... " he eyes me looking a bit scared.

I offer him a little smile trying to pretend I didn't just do that and his gaze goes back to his phone. I don't think Zayn would have ignored him, he's a nice guy. I'm trying to convince myself to truly believe Zayn does the strange things he does because he's nice.

"Here comes trouble," Harry mumbles looking at the window opposite his side.

The door bursts open, with a very grumpy looking Zayn. I hadn't notice he's gone quite elegant today. He's wearing very skinny black trousers and a red turtle-neck, he's also wearing a formal black jacket over it. I immediately frown when I see he's only carrying a water bottle.

"Uh, Zayn," I say in a low voice before he enters the car.

"Yeah?" He asks with an arched eyebrow.

"Can I jump out to get something?" I ask, unbuckling my seatbelt.

He takes a deep breath without taking his eyes off from me and I watch his jaw tense.

"What do you want?" He asks between greeted teeth.

"A twix?" I tell him afraid of his answer.

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