Love is Power ~ Sirius Black

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Requested By @lilmissquackson
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"Love is power, and nothing more."

Those words played in Sirius's head every time he conquered a new girl. It was something his mother would say to him as a child. It was one of the only things he took to heart.

It was his 7th year at Hogwarts and it was going to be a good one. He had never gotten attached to a girl before and this year wasn't going to be any different.

The summer went by quick and before he knew it he was meeting James, Remus, and Peter at Platform 9 3/4. They loaded onto the train and began looking for an empty compartment, at some point Peter had disappeared but they didn't notice until he was already gone.

To their disappointment everywhere was full, except for one compartment that had an unfamiliar looking girl in it.

"We're very sorry to bother you but do you mind if we sit in here? Everywhere else is full." James asks after sliding the door open.

"Of course not, go ahead." She says, crossing one leg over the other.

The second thing that they noticed about her was that she was American, the first was that she was gorgeous (a literal Heather).

James and Remus already knew that Sirius would flirt with her the whole train ride.

"I'm James by the way, and this is Remus, and Sirius." James introduces the three of them as Sirius sits next to her and he and Remus sit across from the two.

"It's nice to meet y'all, I'm Y/N." She sets the book she was reading in her lap and takes a look at the three.

"So your from America?" Remus asks, Sirius was being oddly quiet.

"Yep, I transferred from Ilvermorny."

"That's cool, what house do you think you'll be sorted into?" James asks and she shrugs her shoulders.

"I don't really know anything about the houses." She tells them.

"Okay, well there's..." Remus begins to tell her about each of the houses.

"I think maybe I'll be a Hufflepuff, what house are y'all in?"

"We're all Gryffindors." James answers, both he and remus were wondering why Sirius was being so quiet, usually at this point he would've been chatting her up with his arm around her.

"So, Y/N," Remus starts, "what year are you in?"

"I'm a 6th year. What about you guys?"

"We're 7th years." He answers.

"Oh, I guess we won't have any classes together then. Is everyone as nice as y'all?" She asks, trying not to show her disappointment.

"It just depends," James tells her, "but i'm sure you won't have any trouble making friends."

"I'll be right back." Sirius suddenly stands up and leaves, seemingly following the girl who had just walked past their compartment.

"He's usually not like that."

"What do you mean?" Y/N asks.

"Usually we can't get him to shutup, but he hasn't said a word the whole time we've been on the train." James explains.

"Oh, he's kinda cute." She glances out of the window, watching the cloudy sky and trees go by.

"I wouldn't go after him for you sake." Remus tells her and she looks at him with confusion.

"It's nothing wrong with you," James quickly adds, "he just messes around a lot, y'know, and you seem pretty cool. We just don't want you too get attached and then have your heart broken."

Sirius Black and Remus Lupin ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora