Home ~ Sirius Black

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A/N: I'm going to write something else for 15k and take a little more time for it so it turns out better. Thanks for the patience 💕.
A/N pt2: okay so by the time I'm writing this I am at 17.2k and so far I am really proud of it. This takes place right after Sirius gets out of Azkaban, y'know like right before the school year starts. Anyway I hope you all like this!

You never thought you would see him again. But here you are face to face as if he hadn't left. As if he was there all along.

"Y/N," He says. He seemed worn out. Unlike he had ever been back In Hogwarts.

"Sirius," you say back. Your emotions were everywhere right now. You didn't know whether you wanted to hug him or hit him.

You decided on a hug. Because, even though you wanted to scream at him for leaving you and everybody else, he was still your husband.

He hugged you back, but it was different. You felt like if you squeezed too tight you would break him. You loved him more thank anything in the world, you just wished he had stayed home that night.

"There's something I need to show you," you pull away and start leading him upstairs. You quietly open a door to reveal a sleeping figure.

"That's our son."

"Our?" He whispers.

"Yes, we can talk more about it downstairs, I don't want to wake him."

~ ~ ~

"Tea?" You asked as he sat on the couch. It was the same couch you had when he got taken. Everything in the house was the same. The two of you bought the house together as soon as you graduated. You could never move. It would hurt too much.

"Yes please." He answers and you go into the kitchen. You made it just the way he liked it, two sugars and no cream.

The two of you sat in an awkward silence. This was all so overwhelming. You never thought you were going to see him again, but here he is, sitting in your living room just drinking tea.

"So..." he starts but trails off.

"I guess I should tell you about him now."


"Okay," you take a deep breath, "I realized I was pregnant about a month after you were taken away. At the time it was the worst news of my life. I had virtually no one at that point, it was horrible. But after he was born it was all okay because I had him. He bought this light into my life that no one else but you could bring."

Tears started welling up in your eyes but you continued to speak.

"He's um-" you took a shaky breath and wiped a few tears away, "he's twelve now and he's about to go into his second year at Hogwarts. He is exactly like you. That's been the hardest part I think. He has your hair, you eyes, your smile, your personality, god he even walks like you."

"What's his name?" Sirius asks while you sniffle and wipe you eyes for the 15th time.


"Wow that's-" it was his time to start tearing up, "that's perfect."

"I thought you would like it."

You were happy, but you knew you would never be as happy you were all those years ago. When everyone was alive and together. But now two of your best friends are dead and your husband is wanted "murderer". You wanted everything to go back to the way things were. Where your son and Harry could grow up to be best friends. Where James and Lilly were still alive. Where peter wasn't a cowardly traitor. Where you and Sirius could walk down the street hand in hand. But you knew that you couldn't turn back time.

~ ~ ~

Sleeping with another person in the same bed after 12 years was quite the sensation. It didn't feel quite right after being alone for all that time. But you fell asleep faster than you had in years and you dreamt of a world where everything was okay.

Although you slept well you woke up nervous. You would have to introduce Sirius and James and you honestly had no idea how that would go.

To your surprise when you walked into the bathroom you saw serious wearing his old clothes and shaving his beard. He looked at lot more like himself than he did last night and that made you smile.

"How do I look?" He asks nervously.

"Amazing," you say before beginning to brush your teeth.

After the two of you got ready you made breakfast together then Sirius sat at the table while you went to get James.

"James, honey," you start to gently wake him up but he only grumbled at you.

"C'mon, love, there's someone I want you to meet before you go back to school." He finally rolled over and slipped out of bed. You fixed his hair a little bit then the two of you walked downstairs.

"James, this is your father."

"I can tell," he says and looks at you, "he looks just like me, duh."

Sirius stands up and cautiously walks over to James.

"It's nice to meet you son," he holds his hand out because he honestly didn't know if James would want to hug him. Surprisingly he ignores his hand and wraps his arms around Sirius's torso. Sirius hugs him back and right now there is not one sight that could make you more happy.

As the three of you eat breakfast you tell him everything. He is really understanding and promises not to tell anyone anything.

~ ~ ~

After James had gotten ready you and Sirius had taken him down to Kings Cross. Of course Sirius couldn't be seen in his human form so to any other person it would just look like a mother, her son, and their dog.

"Okay, James," you way to him once you're on platform 9 3/4, "remember be safe and I love you. And if you need anything don't be shy to go to uncle Remus he's the DADA teacher this year, alright?"

"Okay, mum, I love you too," he says before turning to Sirius and petting him on the head then turning around and getting onto the train.

This year was about to be very interesting.


A/N: thank you to everyone who read this! I honestly do not know how my views are going up so fast! It used to take months to reach every thousand, after 10k it would take a few weeks and then by 13k it has started going up by 1000 every few days! I'm am so grateful to everyone who has read these imagines💕

Sirius Black and Remus Lupin ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now