Howlers ~ Remus Lupin

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(Okay I know that this is an imagine book for Sirius but I just really wanted to add this one in here)
A/N: this is a teacher x student (kinda maybe)
AU where Remus stays at Hogwarts after everyone finds out he's a werewolf and you are a 7th year Slytherin.
You thought that after Snape had released his secret Professor Lupin wouldn't come back to work at Hogwarts for another year. You had believed that you would never see him again so of course you were surprised when you saw him sitting at the head table at the first feast. He was easily your favorite teacher but truth be told you had a small crush on him, okay maybe not that small of a crush, but it's not like you could do anything about it.

You were happy to see him back, but that happiness didn't last long because the next day at breakfast the howlers started coming in. They were the worst howlers you had ever heard, but they were all the same, all shouting useless profanity, all yelling about how he shouldn't be there and how he was a danger to their children.

Apparently you weren't the only one getting tired of hearing the insults and seeing the look of embarrassment on Lupin's face whenever they would come because soon there were even more howlers. Don't get me wrong, these howlers weren't bad at all, these were students yelling about how great of a teacher he is or how great his classes were.

One day an idea popped into your head and you kind of laughed causing your friends to look at you curiously.

"Oh no," your best friend sighs "I know that face, that's your idea face, nothing good ever happens after your idea face."

"But this one is a great idea." You pout and cross your arms.

"Well tell it to me then." She says and you smirk before leaning over and whispering it in her ear.

"Y/N no." She shakes her head.

"Y/N yes." You say and run out of the great hall causing her to sigh angrily but follow you nonetheless.
"He's going to know it's you even if you don't put your name on it!" Your best friend exclaims and you roll your eyes.

"So what?" You ask after giving the howler and some money to the owl. Truth is you knew for certain that he would know it was you. After countless hours of study sessions - which were really just you two sitting in his office talking about random things - he knew your voice too well.
You had made it inside the Great Hall and sat down just in time for mail, everyone had been chatting about what they got until a voice boomed throughout the Great Hall.

"YOU HAVE A CUTE ARSE, 10/10 WOULD BANG." Everyone got quiet as this howler shouted at Professor Lupin, his face as red as a tomato as everyone stared at him.

When everyone had went back to talking with their friends his eyes found yours and he raised an eyebrow getting only an 'innocent' smile and a shrug in response.
Although you were excited for your first DADA class of your last year at Hogwarts you got a bit caught up in the muggle book you were reading. By the time you checked the clock you were already 5 minute late for class.

"Oh shit," you mutter as you throw everything you need in your bag and quickly brush your hair out again before running out of the Slytherin common room and up many flights of stairs.

You finally burst into the classroom almost 15 minutes late, red faced and out of breath.

"Glad you could finally make it Miss L/N," Lupin says as you try to catch your breath "have a seat and see me after class."

As you sit down next to your best friend you mentally thank Merlin that this is your last class of the day so you wouldn't be late to another one on your first day.
After everyone leaves you go up his desk and start apologizing "I'm sorry that I was late, Professor, I was reading a book and-"

"Y/N," he cuts you off with an amused smile "you know that's not why I asked you to stay after class."

"I know," you smile back "I just didn't want to take any chances."

"Alright, shall we go into my office then?"

"Sure," nod and follow him up the staircase that you knew so well.

"So I'm sure you know this but, you could get into a lot of trouble if someone finds out that you're the one that sent that howler." He tells you at you both sit down at his desk.

"Well you found out and I'm not in trouble right now, am I?" You ask rhetorically with an eyebrow raised.

"You know that's different." He says but you shrug.

"Anyway, why did you send that Howler?"

"Because it's true." You day and he chokes on his tea.

"Pardon me, what?" He asks with wide eyes.

"You have a cute arse," you deliberate "10/10 would bang."

"Sorry, what?" He asks again and this time you stand up.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Professor." You give him a soft smile before turning to leave.

"Remus." you hear causing you to turn around.

"What?" You ask softly.

"Outside of class you can call me Remus." He tell you and you send him a smile

"Oh, alright then, Remus." You day and leave the classroom.

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