Chapter 6- Love and Understanding

Start from the beginning

"Y-Yeah." Rocket rubbed the back of his neck, realizing he's the one getting naked. "S-So, w-when do I start?"

"O-Oh, um." Lianna blushed, knowing he just asked her when is he supposed to strip down. "Uh, a-anytime you want. Just as long you give me your suit before you wash up."

(A/N: Aaakwaard. O~O)

"O-Ok, then I-I'll just be over there." He pointed over to a patch of bushes near the lake.

"O-Ok." She stuttered, continuing with scrubbing her shirt. Rocket grabbed a towel and quickly ran over to the bushes, feeling his heart pounding out of his chest.

"Ah, fuck!" He whispered to himself. "I thought she was gettin' naked too! Now it's just gunna be weird!" He paced back and forth, thinking of what could possibly happen.

"What if she can see through the water and sees my junk? What if I accidentally cum in the water? What if the others come and ruin it all?!" Rocket threw his hands in the air and sat against a tree nearby.

He sighed, going through all the possible mishaps as he ran his fingers through his fur. Would I ever have the courage to kiss her? He knew that answer would only come when the moment came upon him. He got up and started pulling off his suit.

"Should've put a goddamn zipper on this." He muttered. He laid his suit on the ground, and went to grab his towel when he noticed something. His warm member was peaking through its sheath. He blushed, feeling a compulsion to stroke it.

But he stopped, knowing once he gave it a little stroke he would go hard and would want for more. He huffed and snatched up the towel, wrapping it tight around his waist. He grabbed his suit and went to walk out the bushes, but a question struck his head. Should I casually walk out, or should I walk out like a thug?

Lianna pulled her pants off, revealing a pair of black, lacy underwear. She grabbed the bottles and brought them closer to the lake. She then stepped in the water, a cold chill shooting up her leg. She got in more and kneeled down in the water. She was about to dunk her head when she heard footsteps coming behind her. She turned around to find Rocket; a towel wrapped around his hips low enough to see where a stomach lining would be.

Rocket was deeply blushing. He never saw her look at him like that before. He gripped at the towel and laid his suit by the wet clothes. "H-Here's my suit." He stuttered, gripping tighter on to the towel from it falling down.

"I-I'll do 'em after washin' up a bit." Lianna said, feeling her face burn up with blush. I'm gonna be in a lake with a naked Rocket... ASDFGHJKL SCORE! She just put a smile on face and dunked her head in the water.

Rocket immediately tore off the towel and got in. Coldness shooting up his body; making him quiver. He flinched when Lianna whiped her head up.

He went stiff when he realized she was in her underwear as she pushed her wet hair. He felt his erection touch the cold water as it began to peak out of its sheath. He quickly grasped his hands around the sheath, trying to keep it in.

"Are you ok?" Lianna calmly asked, starting to lather shampoo into her hair.

"U-Uh, yeah." Rocket said, still grasping the erection's sheath. "I-I'm just.. cold."

"Well, your body isn't adjusted to the water yet." She said. "Just dunk yourself underwater and the warmth will start to settle in." Rocket nodded and quickly put his whole body underwater, feeling like a popsicle at first, but when he resurfaced he felt a little warm.

He stroked back the fur on his head and grabbed the body wash, squeezing a handful into his hand. He pushed the bottle back, letting it float by the shoreline, and started lathering the soap into his fur.

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