Chapter 7

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* A Month later *

Dylan's P.O.V

"Wanna hang after classes?" Peyton asked.

"Sure, why not?" I nodded.

It's only been a week and I'm already having a good brotherly bond with Peyton. He seems great, he's a friend that can keep me out of trouble.

We were in PE and we were playing basketball, and Peyton and I were on the same team.

We were half way through a game and as you might have guessed, we're winning by 5 points.

Liam? I think that's his name, had the ball and he passed it to Harry and he ran up to the basket while dribbling the ball but I got in front of him and grabbed the ball and went straight to the other end of the court and passed the ball to Peyton in a over head pass.

Peyton ran up to the basket... He jumped and threw the ball into the basket! SCORE!!

"16-10 now!" Peyton cheered while high-fiving the team.

Peyton and I did our fist bump instead and proceeded with the game.

As I looked at the other team, I seen Harry death glaring me, is he always angry? He has issues if he is.

I think his name was Louis? He was currently holding the ball, our team was blocking the other team so they won't get the ball.

"Move out my fucking way, prick!" Harry shouted and pushed Aiden on to the floor.

"Styles! Go sit on the bench! No physical contact!" Shouted Couch Bolton.

"Why the fuck do I have to sit down?" He shouted.

"No swearing! And I just told you why, now sit yo ass down!" Couch Bolton shouted.

"Okay... Mad? Or naawww!" He sniggered.

"Shut up before I fail you." Couch warned. Harry just put his hands up in mock defense and sat down.

Meanwhile, we were still playing the game. Fred, who was on our team, got to the basket and shoot! HE SCORED!!

As if on cue, Coach Bolton blew his whistle.

"Well done lads, same again tomorrow." He said and dismissed the class.

"What a game!" Peyton said, combing a hand through his hair.

"I know man, you're really good basletball!" I complemented. He should feel special, I never complement anyone.

We all went into the changing rooms and hit the showers.

I took my PE shirt off and put it in my gym bag. I went to the showers with my towel that I took out of my gym bag.


After getting ready, I went outside the changing rooms to the vending machine. I inserted a few coins before clicking the numbers I needed to get my drink.

"Hey Dylan!" A girl said from behind me. I turned and smiled, turning back to the vending machine

"Sup Selena." I said, grabbing my drink out.

"Not much. What you doing later?" She asked, leaning her back against the machine.

"Hanging out with Peyton. Why?"

"No reason. Guess what!" She said, moving off the machine and standing in front of me with an excited smile.


"Well... In February, the music department is putting on a show and I'm going to be performing! You'll come right?" She asked.

"Course." I took a sip from my drink.

"Yay! Thank you!" She said hugging me and squeezing me till I couldn't breathe.

"S-Selena? C-cant b-breathe!" I attempted to say.

"Oh, sorry." She giggled and let go.

"Uh huh... I'll see ya later Selena." I chuckled and walked away.

Let me get you up to date then...

This past month has been nothing but studying and hanging out with Peyton. Me and Peyton have become buddies... Which was expected seeing as he's my roommate.

I moved some of my stuff into my dorm room. My bedroom at my house is still the way it is, I don't think I'm ganna be using it anytime soon.

Selena was quite irritating in the beginning but I got used to it. She hung out with me and Peyton a few times but we're not close.

Selena and Peyton's girlfriend, Sabrina; they both study in music so therefore they spend most their time in the music department.

Harry (Selena's boyfriend) and I, have been getting in little fights and as you may have figured out... I won! He should just give up on trying to beat me in a fight because he knows he can't. I think Selena's had enough of the fights coz she's brought it up a few times when he hung out.

Speak of the bastard...

As I walked down the hall way, him and his crew were gathered around the locker area, where they normally stood.

"Yo! O'Brien!" The curly haired boy said.

"What d'you want Styles." I snapped.

"Still feisty I see..." He smirked.

"Fuck you." I said and walked off.

My jacket got yanked back and I knew it was Styles. I shuved him back and he stumbled backwards, surprised for a second then retaliated and sprung forward to punch me. I dodged it elbowed him in the face.

His face flew back and he stumbled again. I flex my muscles out and put my bag on the floor. I knew Styles ain't ganna give up easily. Not after last time.

"O'Brien! You ain't winning this time!" Styles shouted.

"Keep telling yourself that." I yelled and punched him again when he came forward again.

"Dylan! Stop it! This needs to stop." Selena shouted from a distance.

"Well tell your rat of a boyfriend to stop getting in my way!" I shouted, not meaning to be angry at her.

Her face dropped and she looked at Harry who had a bleeding nose.

Selena went to him and got a tissue out her bag to wipe his blood.

I rolled my eyes and walked off.

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A/N: Sorry for the skipping of months but I don't want the book to drag on.

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