Chapter One: The First Day

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As we rounded the corner, I caught my first glimpse of my new high school. There was a big green sign that said "Goode High School" in big letters. I glanced nervously at Luke and gave him a half-hearted smile. At that moment he placed his hands on the small of my back and looked me directly in the eye. "Annabeth Chase," Luke began, "You are the most gorgeous girl I have ever seen. You are so intelligent and funny, I have no doubt that you will excel in high school. I love you." I answered him with a warm smile and he leaned in for a kiss.

He was warm, comforting, and gentle. I have never felt more safe or protected with anyone in my life. Nothing could ever cause me to leave his arms. Besides the school bell. The sound of the bell danced throughout the courtyard. We reluctantly broke apart and I gave him a feeble wave as I walked to first period.

The hallways were dark and scary. Somehow I found my locker and made it to science on time. The first half of my day went by pretty fast. Then it was time for lunch. I grabbed my lunch bag out of my locker and as I turned around, another girl and I hit heads.

"Ouch!" she exclaimed. "I'm so sorry!" I replied. "It's alright," the girl said while gripping her head. That's when I noticed that she had darker skin and long brown hair with feathers strewn in it. She wore jeans, an orange T-shirt, converse, and hardly any makeup. "I'm Piper," she said. "Piper McLean." "My name's Annabeth Chase," I told her and we started walking towards the cafeteria. She invited me to sit with her and her friends and I gladly accepted. It's not like I had another place to sit.

I sat next to Piper at the lunch table. She introduced me to the group. There were about seven of us in total. "This is Annabeth Chase," Piper said, "She's the new girl." That's when my eyes fell on a boy sitting across from me.

He had dark, shaggy, unkept hair that fell across his forehead. His eyes were a gorgeous sea green that any girl could stare into for hours. He was the most handsome guy that I have ever laid eyes on. I thought that I was going to faint. He gave me a big, welcoming smile and said, "Hi Annabeth! I'm Percy Jackson." And at that moment, I actually fainted.


I don't own the Percy Jackson series or characters. They all belong to Rick Riordan.

The Goode LifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora