Chapter 3: Seaweed Brain and Wise Girl

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        My head was still resting on Percy's shoulder well after I stopped weeping. Neither of us wanted to be the first to let go. But of course, every nice moment that I have with Percy has to be ruined. I heard the pounding footsteps before I saw his face. Luke approached the entanglement of limbs that Percy and I had created. "Annabeth!" the blonde boy said. Not wanting to hear a word that he had to say, I burried my head into Percy's chest. 

        "Annabeth! Please, I can explain!" Plea after plea escaped Luke's mouth, begging for forgivness. All of a sudden, Percy jumped away from me and towards Luke. In an instant, Percy's hand was around the collar of Luke's shirt and Luke was thrown up against a locker. "Luke, just shut up already!" Percy said. "What you did to Annabeth is unforgivable and she deserves much better than the stupid piece of trash that you are." With that Percy loosened his grip around Luke's shirt. As soon as he was free, Luke darted away and Percy sat next to me.

        Percy grabbed my hand, gave it a squeaze, and said, "Why don't we both change out of our swimsuits and then we will talk?' I gave a quick nod and headed for the locker room. Back in our normal clothes, Percy and I sat in a janitor's closet and had a long conversation. We talked about our families, our friends, experiences at past schools and much more. I spilled out my entire life's story to a guy that I just met a few hours ago, yet somehow it felt right. I felt like I could trust Percy with anything. 

        Eventually, we heard the final bell ring in the distance. We left the school together, for Percy had decided that he needed to walk me home. For protective reasons of course. Whatever the motives, I was just happy to spend some more time with the guy of my dreams. 

        One thing that we both have in common is our love for Greek mythology. I have a special interest in Athena and he is curious about Posideon. We talked gods, heros, and monsters the whole way to my house. Once we arrived at my doorstep, Percy bowed and said, "Farewell my princess Annabeth. I will see you again on the 'morrow." I couldn't help but giggle. "You are such a Seaweed Brain!" I told him. He cracked a smile and said, "See you at school, Wise Girl!" He turned and began to walk away. I wanted to scream "I love you!" at the top of my lungs, but when it escaped my lips, it was only a whisper.


I don't own the Percy Jackson series or its characters. These both belong to Rick Riordan.

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