Chapter 1

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Three Days Later
Sokka woke up with a throb in his head, he groaned as the pain rolled in slow, and felt relief as it went away.

?: Are you awake? Can you hear me?

Sokka responded without looking for the source of the voice.

Sokka: Yeah...

Sokka opened his eyes again, and his vision blurry for a moment. He first saw the bright light that he identified as a fire, then the surroundings, making it clear he was in a cave. He then looked around the ground. Sokka found himself wrapped in a blanket and near the fire to keep him warm. He also saw some supplies around and an empty bag, suggesting that the person who saved him moved around a lot.

Near the bag, Sokka saw a mask, and recognized it as the Blue Spirit's mask. He felt grateful immediately, and looked up at the person above him to thank them for being such a big help.

However, when he registered the face, and the scar, the words got stuck in Sokka's throat. It was like his body recognized the person and said: "Never mind..."

Sokka tried to get up, but Zuko, surprisingly gently, pushed him back into a laying position. His ponytail was gone, and there instead was a full head of short hair, bangs and everything, as messy as it looked. His armor wasn't really the same either, he'd removed multiple pieces of it, likely unnecessary ones, so he was much less recognizable. The majority of his armor was removed from his left leg.

The scar however, gave him away faster than even his ponytail-of-shame did.

Neither had said anything to each other since Sokka woke up. Sokka tried to relax where he was, which was admittedly very comfortable with the fire and the blanket. Zuko sat off to the side in silence.

Despite this, Sokka had questions his mind begged him to ask. And eventually, he felt the courage to do so.

Sokka: How—...?

Sokka cut himself off, having suddenly lost all of his former confidence.

Zuko: You've been asleep for three days, if that's what you're wondering. If you're wondering if I am the Blue Spirit, the answer is yes. Why? Because I wanted to save the Avatar from Zhao. Or was it something else?

Sokka felt a bit startled, Zuko seemed to have known all of the questions Sokka was going to ask, seeing as he already had answers for them.

Sokka: I—...

Sokka pushed himself to keep talking this time.

Sokka: I wanted to ask that, but, how did you find me? What were you doing in that city?

Zuko answered quietly, Sokka was surprised by the fire bender's tone.

Zuko: Well, believe it or not, I wanted to stop my sister too. I thought that my family had good intentions, and that if I proved myself, they would take me back, that they would, love me, again. But, clearly I was wrong... about both of those things. The more I think about it, the more the realization dawns on me that my father and sister will drive not just the Fire Nation, but the whole world into the abyss if nothing was done. That's why I wanted to help you. Whether that means you letting me team up with you, or me pulling my weight by myself, I will do it.

Sokka could only stare at Zuko, he had never expected this from a character like him. He'd never expected Zuko to pour his heart out like that, much less express a desire to overthrow the Fire Lord and his sister.

Zuko spoke again.

Zuko: I am not asking for you to believe me, or trust me. I understand if you don't want anything to do with me. I accept my responsibility in this situation going as far as it has. But I want you to at least hear me when I say that I feel an immeasurable guilt for my involvement in trying to win back my family's affection. And that I have every intention to make up for that mistake.

Sokka was quiet with shock. And he could only say one thing, almost in a whisper, with nearly no tone other than pure surprise.

Sokka: I'll... Let me think about it...

Zuko nodded in understanding. It quickly became clear to Sokka, that Zuko was expecting an immediate rejection. So this removed some of the tension between the two. And Sokka could see a hopeful gleam in Zuko's eyes.

After a while, they both went back to sleep.
The Next Day
Sokka was able to stand up, but he couldn't walk around too much. Zuko explained that the soldiers evidently caused more damage to his legs in order to slow him down. Which explained why Sokka got so tired so quickly.

Zuko used his bending to help Sokka stay warm whenever he got cold. And Sokka seemed to get hot in the face after a little while. He ignored it.

Zuko frequently helped Sokka around so he could get used to using his body again. And Zuko left every once and a while to get food for the two of them. And they ate in silence most of the time.

Once, however, when they were going to bed, Sokka spoke up.

Sokka: So, how did you already know what I was going to ask about yesterday? Why'd you answer them so quickly?

Zuko spoke up, slightly taken aback by the sudden sound of a voice addressing him.

Zuko: Well, you got separated from your team, you got injured, and you had been asleep for three days. Besides, you were just saved by someone you considered the enemy. I figured you were owed an explanation, for the obvious questions at least.

Sokka was again startled by the sincerity, the part of him that was aware of the situation told him not to trust Zuko, and ignore whatever he said. But Sokka found he couldn't, he grew up knowing that actions sometimes spoke louder than words, and that acts of kindness often don't have sinister motivations behind them.

The more Sokka thought about it, considering how little Zuko's family seemed to care about him, Zuko could have been put to death if they found out that he tried to help team Avatar in any way. But he did it regardless.

Sokka just couldn't ignore what Zuko had done for him, what he was still doing for him. It was overwhelming to say the least.

Without thinking, as they were going to sleep, Sokka spoke up.

Sokka: Zuko...?

Zuko looked up from where he was laying.

Sokka: About what you said to me yesterday... I've thought about it, and... I trust you, I believe you. And even if Aang and the others don't accept you, you can team up with me. I might not be much, but I know I'm better than nobody.

Sokka didn't need Zuko to lift his head for him to know the Fire Bender was smiling.

Zuko: Thank you, Sokka. And, so you're aware, I wouldn't say you're "not much". I'd say fighting off nearly twenty Fire benders while having no bending abilities, is really impressive.

Sokka didn't know why that compliment made Sokka feel so happy, but it did.

Sokka: Okay, thank you, Zuko.

After that, both Sokka and Zuko felt asleep, most of the rooms tension gone completely.

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