Chapter 11

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One Hour Later
Zuko and Toph had begun to worry about Sokka. Zuko growing more anxious about meeting the rest of team Avatar again.

Eventually Zuko went out, feeling guilty for doing so. It probably wasn't serious, so he ran the risk of embarrassing Sokka and giving a bad impression to the rest of team Avatar. So to say he was nervous about taking that risk was a slight understatement.

When he got to the tea shop however, nobody was there. Zuko looked around confused as his concern heightened.

Iroh: Zuko?

Zuko looked up.

Zuko: Did they leave, uncle?

Iroh nodded.

Iroh: They must have. I heard a struggle, but was unable to see it. I didn't see where they went either.

Iroh limped over to where he usually relaxed and slept, Zuko helping him get there gently. Zuko felt the burn in his chest knowing he wouldn't have his uncle around for much longer. Toph came in as well, and had a similar feeling come over her.

Iroh looked at Zuko and smiled.

Iroh: Zuko, I'm sure you will have plenty of time to say your goodbyes to me... I will be around for a little while longer. And I promise that I will live long enough to meet your child.

Zuko teared up a bit and hugged Iroh, who laughed a bit and gladly hugged his nephew back.

Iroh: Now, I believe you have some things to sort out with team Avatar?

Zuko nodded and stood up, now very worried. Not just for Sokka, but for their child.

Zuko: Yeah, thank you for telling me, uncle.

Iroh: No need to thank me for using my senses. They shouldn't be too far away yet...

Zuko nodded, he and Toph made arrangements and set off to look for the group.
Sokka: Will you let go?! I'm suffocating here! I get you missed me but this is too much!

Katara hadn't let go of the hug since the tea shop. Appa had stopped moving, since they wanted to wait for Toph. Though they still wanted to keep a distance so they didn't run into trouble waiting.

Katara: I don't mean to suffocate you, but I was thinking you were dead a while ago!

Sokka managed to get out of her grip by hugging back. But then he kept a foot-length distance.

Sokka: I know... I'm sorry I scared you. I didn't even know we got separated until it was too late. And I decided to fight off some Fire Nation soldiers while I was at it.

Katara: You could have gotten yourself killed! You're lucky you didn't get seriously hurt!

Sokka looked down.

Sokka: Well, I did get hurt. But Zuko helped me with them... he even—

Katara growled a bit.

Katara: Ugh, I don't want to think of what that guy did to you... just to get back his "honor"...

Sokka shuddered at the venom in his sister's voice.

Suki spoke up to ease the tension.

Suki: Well, it's over! We have Sokka back alive and well. We'll just stop here, wait for Toph, and when she gets here, we'll go home!

Sokka: No, wait! We can't leave yet!

Aang looked at Sokka like he drank a ton of cactus juice in front of them.

Aang: Why not?

Sokka: Because he won't hurt us! We're safe! He just wants to talk!

Katara rolled her eyes.

Katara: The guy who is literally the kid of our worst enemy, yeah. After he kidnapped you, too! Do you have Stockholm syndrome or something?

Sokka: That's not even a thing really!

Aang glanced back.

Aang: Don't worry, we aren't leaving forever. We need to head back to defeat the Fire Lord anyway.

Sokka blurted out his next sentence without thinking.

Sokka: We already beat him. He's gone!

Suddenly Sokka realized the mistake in saying that. But it was too late to take it back.

Aang: Really? So we can go home then. At least until we find a way to deal with Zuko.

Sokka winced.

Sokka: Wait, no, that's not—

Katara: What is your issue with going home? Dad might have come back! Do you want to go home or not? Do you actually want to go back to the people who held you hostage?

Sokka couldn't argue he wanted to go home badly. He wanted to see his father, despite how nervous he was about his condition. Then he also realized that it would be a good opportunity to try and convince his tribe to sign the peace treaty. So, he stopped arguing. Feeling guilty about problems Zuko would face alone as a result. And especially as he remembered that the kid he was having was Zuko's as well.

Sokka: "I'm sorry, Zuko... I'll find a way back, I promise. I'll try to convince my tribe to agree to the peace treaty while I'm there..."
Toph and Zuko had again failed to catch up to the group on their own. And they both looked down knowing what had to happen.

Toph: I'm sorry... I'll have to go by myself...

Zuko sighed, hoping to whatever luck they had that things would turn out okay for him, Sokka, and the reuniting of the four elements.

Zuko: I know... I'll still try to contact them on my own if possible.

Toph nodded.

Toph: And I'll try to calm them down. I know Sokka is trying to do the same. Especially with the kid thing. I know he won't let the others separate you both after he has the kid. He really cares about you both, I hope you know that.

Zuko smiled a bit.

Zuko: I do... I'll keep working on the peace treaty, let me know if I need to meet in person to see Sokka again...

Toph winked, though it felt very weird for her to do so. And she smiled a bit, knowing she made Zuko feel better about the current situation. She was plenty nervous about it herself.

Toph: Will do. I better get going if I'm gonna catch them. And so they don't think you "captured" somebody again.

Zuko nodded.

Zuko: Thank you.

Toph. No problem. Bye!

Toph took off then, and after a moment, Zuko went back to the capital to continue drafting the peace treaty.

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