We went to the abandoned girls room, where we made polyjuice in our second year. No one comes here so it's the best place to do secret potions.

"Ok it's done, and it's almost midnight already I'm so glad we started when we did...Electra are you ready? I'll take the leaf now, i have to add it to your potion"

I took the disgusting leaf out of my mouth, and handed it to Hermione

"Ew" she said

"It was worse for me I had it in my mouth all month"

"Now I need a piece of your hair"

I handed her a strand

"Ok it's blood red, which means it's complete but you need to wait to take it till a lightning storm hits us"

"Awh man you should have said that Hermione I wouldn't have hung around for hours watching you brew this" Ron complained

"Ronald we have to do this right, Electra's life is at stake if we don't, here is your potion it's supposed to storm tomorrow night luckily. And you don't have a quidditch practice or game tomorrow so it works perfectly!" Hermione said

"I'm so excited, what do you guys think I'll turn into?"

"You don't chose?" Harry asked

"No it's based off of personality and traits of the drinker"

"Your intimidating so I bet you'll be a lioness, though it would not be practical to turn into. Maybe a fox because you are sneaky" Ron said

"I bet you'll turn into something that flies, like an Owl imagine being able to hangout with Hedwig all day!" Harry said

"Do you guys wanna place bets?" I asked laying

"Yes, I bet a fox" Ron said

"I bet an Owl" Harry said

"I bet you'll be a rabbit" Hermione said

"Ok whoever wins gets one free potion essay from me"

They all agreed, I am the only person Hermione would trust to write her homework for her

It was the following day, I didn't run this morning I just decided to spend time in the common room, it's a Saturday so none of us have class, I sat down in the couch and stared at the fire. Today is the day I find out what my animal form is

By 7am I heard someone open a door and start down the stairs. I curiously looked over my shoulder, no one gets up this early on a Saturday.

It was Fred

"I'm shocked to see you this early" I said curling up into my blanket

"I woke myself early to greet you when you got back from your run, but you aren't in running gear?" He sat next to me and shared my blanket

"I didn't run this morning it's supposed to storm so I took it off"

"Ohhhh, well that's ok I still want to spend time with you Love"

Love...Hearing that name always makes my stomach twist and gives me goosebumps

"Are you cold?" He asked as he pulled the blanket up further

"Yeah, I didn't realize how cold it would be this early usually I'm hot and sweaty from running I guess I never notice it"

Fred put his arm around me and ran his hands up and down my arms to warm me up

Lightning *Fred Weasley love*Where stories live. Discover now