i hate u

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Again, copied from my one shot book


I hopped on the plane, followed by Bokuto, Daichi, Iwaizumi, and Oikawa. I sat down and immediately got on my phone, trying to get in contact with anyone from our Chicago branch. I called several of my higher-ups, and when I got the last one on my contact list, they picked up.

"What happened? Tell me now."

I barked into the phone. The deep, thickly accented voice that answered filled me with dread.

"Ramirez. What did you do?'

He chuckled.

"I'm getting revenge for what you took from me."

I snarled. "What did I take? Ecstacy customers? A few blocks of land? What did I do that was so bad that warrants you killing 300 of my men?"

"I'm surprised you don't know."

"Just spit it out." I growled.

"You killed my daughter, you filthy bastard."

I sucked in a breath. Y/n's friend, the tiny blonde that I killed, was the daughter of the Viper Leader? And did that mean he knew Y/n?

"You mean the little blonde chick that was friends with my pet was your daughter?"

Ramirez snarled. "Do not disrespect my daughter like that. And please refrain from calling y/n your 'pet'."

I felt my anger rise. So he did know Y/n.

"How do you know my fiancée?"

"That girl is a daughter to me. And if I find out that you hurt her, ill make your life a living hell."

I sucked in a breath.

"Did y/n or your daughter know what kind of business you are in?"

"Y/n never did. Ali found out recently, and she was being trained along with her brother to take over, but then you killed her in cold blood. And I bet you blamed her death on y/n. Ill destroy you for what you did to my daughters."

I hissed into the phone.

"How dare you act as if y/n is yours? She is mine, and mine only. She will have our child and we will be a family after I kill you and destroy your empire!"

Ramirez growled.

"There is no way y/n would get with a guy like you. Which means the relationship is forced and one-sided. I'll rescue y/n from you and make sure you die! Do you hear me!"

I hung up the phone and dialed one of my guys at the main bunker where y/n was. I tapped my foot impatiently until he picked up.

"Yes boss?"

"I want to you reinforce to bunker. Make sure every staff member has a weapon. Arm every security system and make sure not even a mouse could get through. Protect y/n, suga and Akaashi at every cost. Now, let me speak to y/n."

"Just a minute boss." I heard shuffling on the other side of the line as I waited to speak to my love.

"Hey, Kuroo. What's going on?" It was Bokuto.

"Its Rodrick Ramirez. He wiped out our Chicago branch. Now he plans on breaking into the main bunker and stealing our pets."

Bokuto's fists clenched. "If he even goes miles around Akaashi, I'll kill him."

I ran my fingers through my hair. "How do think I feel!' I yelled, exasperated. 'Y/n is pregnant! That's my child right there! I can't lose her man."

I heard dark chuckling from the other side of the phone. Bokuto's eyes and mine traveled over to the phone in my hand, confused as why one of our underlings was laughing at us.

"What is it."

The chuckling stopped.

"You fools. You should have thought about that before you beat and raped her. Before you killed her best friend. Or her parents. Or her friends."

I was angry. "Excuse me? you dare talk that way to your boss! You are going to be punished when I get back!"

The chuckling resumed.

"It's going to be hard punishing a dead man."

My blood ran cold.

"Who are you?"

"My name is Emir Ramirez, the brother of the girl you killed, and the son of the Viper leader. And if you ever want your precious y/n to breathe ever again, you'll do exactly as I say."

My eyes narrowed to slits.

"One phone call, and my men will swarm your location."

The man laughed.

"You fool. We've already taken over your bunker. All of your men are dead or in questioning. Chicago was just a diversion."

By now the others were listening in to our phone call, anger evident on their faces.

"You told us about y/n, what about the others?" Daichi barked into the phone.

"You mean Keiji Akaashi and Sugawara Koushi? Let's just say they have been very helpful. They told us everything and we didn't even have to torture them."

Daichi and Bokuto's faces' darkened. Bokuto jumped up and kicked his chair, scaring the flight attendant nearby.

"Those sons of bitches. How dare they betray after everything we've done for them?"

Emir started laughing. His loud braying could be heard throughout the entire plane.

"After everything you've done for them? They hate you. When I said that they gave us as much information as we wanted, they made us promise that we would kill all of you. We agreed, obviously."

"What about y/n?"

A feminine voice came from the phone.

"What about me?"

I sighed in relief.

"Baby? Are you ok? Have they hurt you?"

She let out an annoyed huff and probably rolled her eyes.

"They haven't abused, raped or killed anybody I'm close to yet, so unlike someone, they've treated me just fine."

Before I could say anything, Emir's voice spoke again.

"I would never hurt y/n. She is a little sister to me. And since when have you cared about y/n's well-being?"

"I always have!" I near screamed into the phone. "Why wouldn't I? I love her!"

"You sure have a funny way of showing it. And for the record? I hate you. I hate you so fucking much. Of I could, I would have killed you a long time ago, but I lacked the strength. But now I have Emir, Mr. Ramirez and the entirety of the Vipers gang on my side. Now I can kill you. And I'm going to enjoy every second of it."

Her voice took on a murderous glee, making me uncomfortable.

I hung up the phone and turned to face my angry friends.

"Change of plans. We're going to the safe house in the Netherlands to regroup and figure out how to make to bastards pay."

I turned to face forward in my seat. I was going to rescue y/n and my daughter and destroy the Viper gang.

Betrayal (A Mafia! Yandere! Kuroo x Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora