mom friends

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TW: Anxiety and Panic attacks


It had been almost three weeks since I had been kidnapped, and now I was locked in some basement with two other people.

And over the course of time, I became friendly with them, but I was determined not to become attached.

I had learned many things from my fellow basement-dwellers, whose name were Sugawara Koushi and Keiji Akaashi.

Apparently we were something called 'pets,' and our kidnappers were all in some sort of mafia together. They had a nationwide web of informants, dealers and underlings.

They didnt have much competition, the only major threat being the Vipers, another mafia that was based out of Venezuela.

In the time I had been here, I had been used several times by Kuroo, sometimes consensual, sometimes not.

"So, Suga, Akaashi. How did you two meet?"

"We met in high school at a volleyball training camp. This was before our best friends became mafia bosses and kidnapped us."

"Yeah, that's true. Believe it or not, Bokuto and Daichi used to be good people. It was their families that corrupted them. Twisted them into bad people." Suga added wistfully.

"Do you're telling me that they all used to be good guys?"

"Yeah. Believe it or not, Kuroo used to be a great guy. Fantastic grades, captain of the volleyball team, lots of friends. Then he became this monster who hurts you."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah. But dont write this off as me excusing his behavior. What he is doing is 100% wrong and I hope he pays for it in the future."

"I hope he does too." I murmured.

At that very moment, Kuroo burst in the room and I internally cringed.

He made his way over to me and began undoing my restraints. When my legs were free, I had the urge to kick him in the face, but I ignored it.

Maybe some other time when I wanted to get beaten up. And he seemed to be in a pleasant mood. I didnt want ruin that either.

He finished freeing me, and then pulled me up the stairs. Suga and Akaashi sent me sad looks, but then I was gone before they could say anything.

He pulled me through the hallways, clearly headed toward his bedroom. I braced myself for what was to come.

When we got to his room, he turned the lights off, closed the curtains, and shoved me onto the bed. I expected him to rip off my clothes and begin his nightly activities, but he just held me and snuggled into the blankets.

"What the hell?"

He looked over at me.

"Is there a problem?"

"We aren't having sex?"

He smirked and pulled me closer.

"Not right now, I'm not in the mood. But definitely later. Right now, I just want to cuddle with you."

I just let him, grateful he didnt want to use me again. I was clean, wearing fresh clothes and having just showered, so I wasn't smelling bad.

He nuzzled his nose into my neck, and I wanted to kick him.

"Hey, fatass."

He raised his head.

"You talking to me?"

I rolled my eyes.

"No, fool, I'm talking to my brothers ghost in the corner, who you killed by the way. Of course I'm talking you dumbass. Who else?"

"Do not disrespect me."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Anyways, if you wanna cuddle, I get to be big spoon."

He cracked a smile.


"Excuse me?"

"Did I stutter?"

"I said I wanted to be big spoon. Are you giving me attitude young man?"

"Just shut up and go to sleep."

Not wanting to risk him getting angry, I laid down and tried to sleep. But I was to anxious to rest. I kept fidgeting.

"Goddamn woman. Can you stop moving?"

"Sorry." I squeaked out. I felt a dam break inside of me, and all the fear, depression and anxiety from all the weeks I had been here came flooding into my head and began overloading my senses.

I started shaking and sobbing, bolting out of the bed and taking shelter ina corner, wrapping my arms around my legs and burying my gave in them. Meanwhile, I was having chest pains. I felt like I was dying.

Kuroo came over to me, concern in his voice.

"Y/n? What's wrong? Are you ok?"

At the sound of his voice, my anxiety worsened.

"No, NO! Get away! GET AWAY!"

He touched my arm and I flinched.

"What's wrong? Darling, please tell me!"

His voice became panicked, causing me calm down enough to get out a thought.

"My chest, it hurts. I think I'm having a heart attack. Take me to the infirmary."

He effortlessly picked me up, and carried my to the compound infirmary, and set me down on the bed.

He frantically told the doctor what was going on, and she checked me over to make sure I was ok.

A few minutes later, she told us that it wasn't a heart attack, but a panic attack, which has many of the same feelings as a heart attack.

I laid in the infirmary for a few minutes longer, hoping, praying, that I would just die so I didnt have to deal with being with HIM anymore.

Kuroo carried me back to his room and laid me down on the bed. He tucked me under the covers and then joined me, snuggling into my chest.


"Yes, Kuroo?"

"Please don't scare me like that ever again. I thought I was going to lose you."

At that I snorted.

"Yeah, just my luck. Shame it wasn't a real heart attack. Then maybe I actually would have died."

"Stop saying that. I need you."

I lightly smacked his head.

"Why do you think I wanted to die, dumbass? To be away from tou."

Kuroo moves his face so that it was directly into my chest, his nose nuzzling my boobs.

"If you die, it's at my hands. And if you die, I'll follow you into the afterlife. There is no escaping me.

Betrayal (A Mafia! Yandere! Kuroo x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now