poker face

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He rolled off of me, panting hard. After a few seconds, he turned over to look at me and propped his head on his arm.

"You aren't a virgin. How old are you anyway?"

"I'm 16. And why does it matter if I'm a virgin or not? It's not like I woke up one day knowing that I had to save myself for my kidnapper."

"Still disrespecting me, huh?"

"Its called sarcasm, fool."

He lept up from the covers and his naked body hovered over mine. One hand made it's way around my throat.

"We really got to work on that disobedience, darling. And from here on out, the only person that you will be sleeping with is me."

His grip on me lessened, and I propped myself up into a sitting position, still naked. I pursed my lips into a frown and snapped my fingers.

"Damn, looks like I'm gonna have to cancel that Friday booty call.  I was really looking forward to it."

Instead of getting angry, as I thought he would, he just laughed.

"You sure do have sense of humor. I can definitely respect that, my darling."

"I'm not your "darling."

He just smiled at me.

"You may not have accepted it, but you are. Every part of you now belongs to me. Your body. Your love. Your loyalty. You may not be happy about it now, but you will soon."

I rolled my eyes.


"And I dont want you to ever disrespect me. And don't even think about trying to escape. You have nowhere to go. Your parents are dead."

I couldn't believe what I had just heard.

"You killed mom and dad? What the fuck is wrong with you?"

He smirked.

"Well, I couldn't have you running away, and them protecting you. I couldn't have you missing them."

"But you didnt have to kill my parents!"

"Oh, but I did. And you can also kiss goodbye all of your friends. My men are carrying out hits on all of them as we speak."

My throat tightened, and tears brimmed at my eyes.

"All of them?"

"Yes. Every single one. I bet most of them are dead by now."

"I want names, NOW."

He laughed and his hands caressed my face.

"You sure didnt have much of a social life, my darling. There weren't many. But if you want names, Alyssa Smith, Mason Rutledge, Elara Anderson and Mark Reed. All of them are dead or about to be."

I sighed in relief. So he didnt know about her.


His face morphed into confusion.

"Ok? I literally just told you that I killed your parents and all of your friends, and I get an Ok? And weren't you panicking a minute ago?"

"I have no idea what you are talking about." I said nonchalantly, putting on my best poker face.

"We missed someone, didn't we. Someone who you care about."

"No." I spit out a little to quickly.

He smirked triumphantly.

"So we did miss someone. Guess I'll just have to find out who it is, huh, darling."

I laughed. "Good luck with that. You managed to kill everyone who really knew about them. Good luck finding them." I made sure not to specify gender, because he was smart and would use that to find her.

"Dont underestimate me, my love. You dont know the power I possess."

I snorted and leaned back against the headboard of the bed.

"Ok, mister hotshot. Have fun."

With catlike grace, he leaped over to where I was, and he straddled my waist, naked. He used his right hand to pin both of my arms on the headboard, and his left to hold my chin.

"I will find whomever it is you are hiding. And I will use them against your my darling."

My mouth went dry.

"Good luck with that. Also, you never answered my question from earlier. Why did you kidnap me?"

He let go of my hands and face, but he was still on top of me.

"I noticed you for the first time about four months ago when I first stepped foot into that little diner. I noticed you right off the bat, but you weren't our server. I came back the next day, but you weren't there, so I kept coming back. Sometimes you were there, others, you werent. But I fell for you, and decided you would be mine. So here we are."

"Get. Therapy."

"Excuse me?"

"I said get therapy. Who falls in love with someone just by looking at them? You have some serious issues, and I would recommend finding a good cousenlor."

"Just shut up."


Neither of us said anything for a few minutes, we just stared into each others eyes. It was starting to get awkward.

"Round three?"

He didn't say anything, he just flipped me over, latched his mouth to my neck, and began pounding into me mercilessly. I just went along with it.

Ok! Here is a new chapter! If you are new, I would recommend checking out my boyfriend scenarios book, it's pretty good! However, dont get bored just yet, it will get better!

Author-chan out ✌

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