Chapter 9, Rude interruption

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3rd POV
"This is nice and all, but can you do this after class?" Says Aizawa, not wanting to see a second more of the cheesy rom-com type reunion. "Yes! This is not there time for a U.A student to be distracted! We must stay vigilant and listen to Aizawa sensei at all times!" Says Iida "Yeah. We can talk after class, during lunch maybe?" Izuku asks, wanting to catch up to his old friend "Yeah... sounds good." Bakugo says, wiping his eyes "Ok." Plainly said by Izuku

Izuku's POV, During class
Class was pretty normal for what I can tell, I mean, not going to a normal school for 9 years makes any school seem normal. Though I have been feeling strange lately though..... I'm never hungry, I zone out easily, I'm always tired, and the tiredness is especially weird because being a vigilante and all, I've pulled thousands of all-nighters, and guess what? I haven't pulled one since before Aizawa found me! 'What's wrong with me? I feel.... something....' I think, trying to figure out what emotion it is that I'm feeling 'Mad? No, that's not it.... sad? But I should be happy right? I'm with Kacchan again. I'm so useless, I can't even be happy that I'm with Kacchan again. I'm too weak, as soon as I found out that mom died I immediately went and started cutting myse-' I get cut off by the sound of talking, no.... yelling. "-eku! Izu-! Deku!" Kacchan yells. "Huh? Sorry, I zoned out again, so useless." I say under my breath. "It's fine, let's go to the rooftop for lunch, ok nerd?" He says, assuring that I'm listening "Ok, sounds good." I say while walking with him, in the direction of the stairs.

Hello my meat sacks! Sorry for the late chapter, I wanted to get this one out ASAP! :)   I'm sure some of you know what's happening with Izuku, and if you don't, try googling his symptoms! Or don't, google isn't always good with symptoms.

Love from Author-Chan 💜
344 words

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