Chapter 5, Apparently The Truth sets You Free

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Hello my sentient meat sacks! This may take longer than usual to upload since my Wifi is so slow I need cellular to text

Izuku's POV
"You've been missing for 9 years, legally dead for 5, and your case was re-opened 4 years ago." He says 'Wait what!? I know I was gone for awhile but seriously?! 9 years!' I think to myself "Are you serious?" I ask, trying to seem calm, not like I can convey emotion properly anyway. "Yes. What use would it be to lie to you?" He says, clearly wanting to get this over with
"Ok, that makes sense. What did you come here for?" I ask, knowing he didn't just come here to have a chat "If you need 2 pro hero's it must be pretty important." I say, trying to sound sarcastic "Ah well, if you know they're here. Midnight! Kamui! Come here!" He yells for them, they bust in through the windows, scaring me half to death 'Holy sh*t!' I internally yell, as I instinctively turn into some hellish deer thing. Even I don't know what it is

 and got into a defensive stance, with my antlers down

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

and got into a defensive stance, with my antlers down. "Hey, easy! We don't mean any harm!" Yelled Midnight

Eraserhead's POV
The kid turns into a weird deer from the underworld, 'Ew? But it looks cool? How am I supposed to feel?' I think to myself, just as confused as I sound. "Easy kid, they don't mean harm. They're just here incase you did something dangerous." I say, trying to calm him down. " *insert horse grunt noise* ".  "Ok? Well if you're asking why I'm here, the detective got reports of yelling from this area, we assumed it was a drug deal, or gang drama." I say, not done with my explanation, I continue. "I suggested that the missing kids could be here, along with Izuku, or you I guess, so we assumed we would need to capture people." I continued "Ok," he says, turning into a human after confirming we aren't a threat. "What will you do with me now? I have illegal quirk usage, breaking and entering, trespassing, and mur-" he gets cut off by Kamui, "Ok we get it, if I had to guess we'd probably take you to Nedzu, he'd know what to do. Especially since you're too young for jail time." He finished "Ok. Might as well take me in the morning. You guys need sleep." He says bluntly 'This kid will be the death of me I already know it.' I think to myself before leaving with Midnight and Kamui
Hello my sentient meat sacks! Apologies for the late update, my internet was HORRENDOUS but in all seriousness thanks for reading this story! Tbh I don't have any plan or outline on how I want this to go so PLEASE leave suggestions! It would mean a lot for my little meat sacks to give me their own ideas 😊

-Plz help, Author-Chan ❤️😓
496 words in all

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