Chapter 4, Risky Encounter, Honesty is the best Policy

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Hello again my meat sacks! I'm currently watching AoT and just... omfl.
Anyway! Anyway, onto the chapter!

Eraserhead's POV, 23:45 PM
Right now I'm with Nemuri and Kamui outside the warehouse that Animalia was last spotted in. As we make our way around the building we hear...... music. "Is that... The Living Tombstone?!" Nemuri asks, exited that Animalia has good music taste "Yes, I believe it is, we need to keep moving." Kamui says "Right, just because he can't hear us as well, doesn't mean we can stay here and talk." I say, in my usual tone of voice. As we get closer, we can see a man with white hair, and a medical mask. He was around 5' 10 (170 cm I think)
And sweeping the floor of the warehouse, swaying to the music. "You two stay out of sight, I'll ask him some questions." I say, hoping they comply, "Sure! Go for it!" Nemuri says eagerly, "Ok, be careful, if he knows that this is Animalia's hide out, he could be dangerous." Says Kamui "Ok, I'm going in." I say as I jump down and knock on the door, not wanting to risk scaring him by jumping through the window.

Izuku's POV
"I can't remember what happened in September~! When everything wa-" I sing while sweeping, as I hear a knock at the door. "Coming! One second!" I yell, in the deep voice I use for vigilante work "Hello? Do yo-" I stop as I realize Eraserhead is at my door 'D*mnit, ok stay calm, if I panic, I'll end up transforming' I think to myself, in hopes it calms my nerves. "Do you need some money? I don't allow homeless people to sleep in my warehouse though." I say, pretending I don't recognize him "Cut the act Animalia, I know it's you. Nice hair by the way, matches well." He says, probably recognizing my voice, and my bluntness "D*mnit. Got me already? What do you need?" I say, letting him in, watching him the whole time "I know you have some kind of connection to Izuku, just drop the act, you even have the same freckles." He says, implying we're family "O-Oh. Well, I'm close to him, we're pretty much the same. We could switch places and nobody would notice." I say, hoping he doesn't catch on 'Well it's not wrong, we are similar except I have white hair, and since we're the same person we could switch places!' "Don't lie." Eraserhead says, not really knowing whether or not I'm lying "Fine. We're the same." I say, not knowing he was bluffing "That's better" he says, masking his surprise that his bluff followed through
"Why didn't you go back?" He says, knowing the full story, and figuring out that I was in fact, the mouse. "I was young, figured that if she swept me out, and screamed at the sight of  me, she wouldn't want me back." I say, truthfully "Once I was old enough to realize I was dumb and could've gone back later, it had already been years."  I say, knowing he'll ask for more detail "Makes sense, being gone for years and just showing up out of nowhere." He says "Now, how long have you been a vigilante?" He asks, not believing that I could've started at age 5 "I don't know, hiding from people so long kinda makes the years blend together, maybe.... 7 years?" I say unsure "Do you know how long you've been gone?" He says, thinking that if I don't know how long I've been a vigilante, I won't know how long I've been gone. 'Maybe 5 years? I'm not sure, there's no way it would've taken that long for them to find me though?' "I'm not sure, maybe... 4 years?" I say unsure and not confident in my answer "You've been missing for 9 years, legally dead for 5, and your case was re-opened 4 years ago." He says, making sure I know how serious him finding me was
Hello my sentient meat sacks! Ya like that extra long chapter? Just for clarification, Izuku is 14, but he didn't keep track of the years, so he doesn't know how old he is, or how long he's been gone. What do you think will happen next? How will Izuku react? Leave it in the comments!

Love forever, Author-Chan 🥰❤️

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