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[I storm down the stairs and head to the front door. My boyfriend, Cole, follows behind me]

Cole- Babe, it’s not a big deal!

Me- Yes, it is! You never make time for me!

Cole- We were literally just hanging out!

Me- Yeah, but you told me to leave so your friends could come over!

[I unlock the door and open it]

Cole- Babe, come on!

Me- Leave me the fuck alone, Cole!

[I leave and close the door. I start running home. When I arrive, I slam the door as I enter. My mom was sitting on the couch]

Mom- Honey, are you okay?

Me-(voice breaking) I’m fine..

[I storm upstairs and enter my room. I slam the door shut and jump onto my bed and cry into my pillow. I hear my mom come up the stairs. I hear a knock on the door]

Mom(muffled)- Honey? Are you alright?

Me- I’m fine.. Leave me alone..

[I hear the door open]

Mom- Talk to me, sweetheart.

Me- I don’t want to talk about it.

Mom- You sure?

Me- Mhm..

Mom- Okay.. Well, I’ll be downstairs if you need me..

Me- Okay..

[She leaves and closes the door. My phone then went off. I grabbed my phone and looked at it. I saw a message from my best friend, Julia]


Julia: Hey

Me: Hi

Julia: You wanna hang out today?

Me: Not really

Julia: Why not?

Me: I had an argument with Cole

Julia: I’m coming over right now

Me: Julia it’s fine


[She didn’t respond so I assumed she was on her way over. I sighed and stuck my face back into my pillow. A few minutes later, I heard the doorbell ring]

Mom- Honey! Julia’s here!

[I didn’t even bother getting up. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. I then heard the door swing open. I looked over and saw Julia standing at the door]

Julia- What did you guys fight about this time?

Me- He’s always cutting our time short for his friends..

[She comes over and sits down on the bed]

Julia- Well, he has to make time for his friends too, you know..

Me- Yeah, but he’s always hanging out with them and doing stupid shit..

Julia- Well, you need to tell him what you want.

Me- I’m trying to! But everytime I try he shuts me down..

Julia- Then you’ve gotta pick yourself and tell him.

Me- Can we talk about something else?

Julia- Oh, yeah! You know how we both love Chapter 13?

Me- Yeah..

Julia- Well..

[She turns around and then pulls out two pieces of paper. I take them and look closely at them. My eyes widen]

Me- No way!

Julia- Yup! I got my mom to get us tickets to their gig!

Me- Oh my gosh!

[I start jumping up and down on my bed]

Me- When is it?!

Julia- This Saturday.

Me- We need to go shopping then!

Julia- Right now?

Me- Yeah!

Julia- Alright. What about your eyes though?

Me- Oh, yeah..

[I get down from my bed and go to my bathroom. I look at my face and see my red eyes. I take my makeup bag and use some makeup to make my eyes look normal. I then go back into my room where Julia is on her phone]

Me- Let’s go, Juls.

Julia- Mkay.

[Julia stands up as I grab my purse. Then we head downstairs]

Me- Mom! We’re going shopping!

Mom- Okay! Don’t be out too long!

Me- Okay!

[Julia and I head out of the door]


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