Chapter 4

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hope you liked the previous chapter here's chapter four. pls vote, comment and follow.


'' Miss Rivers, Miss Rivers '' i hear being called out and my body been shaked

'' yes'' i open my eyes to find the air hostess looking at me , the one he spend 30mins with in the bathroom and you do not want to hear the sounds coming out.

''Mr kings said if you don't make it to he's car in 5mins you will have to find your way and he said that two mins ago. you have 3mins ma'' she says as she walks out leaving me to process the information she just delivered. As i sit down proceessing what she just said it clicked that i only had one and a half min to find him or am stucked here. i quicky stand up and run out of the plane or rather big jet not my fault don't know what it is. i looked around and noticed the only car around is three mins away from me. shit i have to run , i started running and immediately i got there the car zoomed off. i was breathing heavy and am pretty sure i would have die .

     Am standing in front of the receptionist who's looking at me like am crazy, i tell her my name but she contiunes assessing me. what's up with this chick.

'' Natelie Rivers'' i repeat

''oh sorry , top floor. the elevator stops in his penthouse. '' i walk in the direction of the elevator , meet a guard outside and he opened the elevator for me, then used some key before the elevator doors shut. the doors open in a penthouse , i step into the apartment .( can it be called that?) i find him standing by the all glass wall. i stand by the doors waiting for him to notice me.

''Nana , Natelie Rivers '' he said using hand guestures. ''please take her to the room and Miss Rivers please behave, i will be with you in an hour''

'' how many times did you ride his dick for him to give you a ride?''

''sorry sir?''

''you heard me just fine''

''i didn't sleep with him. he asked to help and i only accepted . how did you expect me to get here? it's not like i have super powers ''

'' Sir the room is ready'' a woman said interupting our conversation.

''Nana , Natelie Rivers '' he said using hand gestures to introduce us. ''please take her to the room and make sure is baths '' he says walking out

'' and Miss Rivers'' he says again

'' please behave''

l stood there and watch he disappear down the hallway. how did he know a guy dropped me off. did he put some kind of camera on me? am really supicious of this guy. he freaks me out.

''Miss Rivers?'' the mid-aggled woman i heard him call nana snaps me out of my trance.

''can we?''

''yes'' she starts walking in the direction i saw Mr all might walk towards, she stops tn front of a room and opens the door. damn this room is fucking huge. my whole apartment could fit in here.

''Miss Rivers..



'' i prefer you call me Natelie or even nat just not Miss Rivers. ''

''ok, if that's what you want'' ''this will be your room during your stay here. your clothes are in the wardrobe. that is the bathroom .'' she says pointing towards a door by the left.

'' hmm thank you. ''

'' it's my job. i already picked an outfit for you to wear, you are leaving with the Evans in an hour'' she says closing the door behind her. 


Good night world. pls don't forget to vote, comment and follow . thanks

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