chapter 1

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He went down on his kneels and brought out a small box '' Nat will you do the honour of been my wife?''

The nerve of this bastard . How dare him? what does he take me for? i so hate this guy for this.

''Am waiting'' damn you Evans King

''Yes i will'' 

Every story has its beginning , i know you are wondering what happened so go grab a bucket of popcorn then sit and enjoy.

It started this way. I woke up like every normal person does in the morning. took my bath, prepared breakefast for myself ,mom and Justin as usual. Took breakfeast to mom since she's sick and can't leave her room. Noticed my younger brother Justin wasn't up. I walked up tp his room and knocked on his door and no answer. i guessed he woke up early . i went back down ate breakfeast kissed mom goodbye and left for woke. I got to work late as usual with Derrick giving me that look . i apologized for begin late and all and stared the days work, took orders from tables . abot five hours later i closed from work and started heading to my other place of work. I got there early thankfully and started the days work,half way through i was told some men came looking for me. I quickly left the kitchen to check who hoping it was my brother, but it wasn't i met two men on black suit and black inner sleeves. i spoke with them wondering why there came looking fore, one of them said their boss wants to speak with me. Atfirst i didn't understand so i asked who was their boss , there lead me outside towards a black ferarri. aince when did i become popular for the rich to know me. standing in the mist of the guards along i felt underdressed what's more their boss. The one with bald hcead opened the back door for me and asked me to step inside the car. at that point i felt like i was begin kidnapped or in this case  adultnapped if you get what am saying . so i stepped into the car, i didn't notice the young handsomely dressed man inside untill he spoke and damn he's voice is as beautiful as he looks.

'' Miss Rivers ?''

yeah thats me . what do i own this unexpected visit Mr...''i broke off expecting him to complete it

''my name is not what you should be bothered about , am here to collect my debt''

Debt? I opened my mouth to ask but he interrupted me.

''the one your family owe me, i see you are confused.'' he said like he could read my mind.

''am sure you are related to one mr Justin Rivers. yea he owes me money. and am here to collect that debt.''


Mr KingsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin