"Miss Archambaud!" a quiet voice called her, making her jump. It was Nearly Headless Nick, a nice ghost who resided in the Gryffindor tower.

"Hi Nick" she greeted him without slowing her pace.

"May I wonder what has you in such fuss?" he asked her as he floated beside her.

"Those bloody idiots, I'm going to murder them that's what has me in such fuss Nick!" the teenager was fuming and smiled wickedly when she spotted the Fat Lady's portrait.

"Are Potter and Black making pathetic pranks again?" the ghost kindly inquired.

"Look at my fucking hair Nick, just, look at it. huh?" she had stopped walking abruptly to face him and the ghost looked at her.

"Well, I think it suits quite well." he cordially replied as she sighed, walking toward the portrait again.

"It's ghastly that's what it is, bloody horrible, for hell's sake when I find them..." she didn't finish but a string of muttered french curses followed as she finally reached the painting.

The lady was sleeping and Isla didn't think twice before waking her up, wich the portrait was very unhappy about. She looked harshly at the fuming girl before asking for the password.

"Devil's tail" the portrait moved and Isla slipped inside the common room, angrily walking to the boys's dorm.

She climbed the stairs three steps at a time and when she reached the second floor she slung the first door open, barging in the quiet and sleepy room.

"YOU FUCKING IDIOTS!" she screamed as she reached for James's bed and started hitting him with his own pillow. "I CAN'T. BELIEVE. YOU'VE. DONE THAT." she turned around furiously as Sirius's head peaked from behind his curtain, wondering who the hell dared scream at this ungodly hour.
"AND YOU!" Isla strolled over to her cousin, who, upon realizing who was the owner of the shouts, had retracted back in his bed, hiding. "I'M GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU YOU GIT!" she hit him over his blanket as much as she could.

Peter had been so startled by the sudden screaming that he had quite literally jumped from his bed, falling like a rock on the floor, completely ringed.
He tried to hold the first thing he could find wich were Remus's bed curtains, sending the metal bar that held the drapes right on the sleepy shape of the boy, waking him up brutally.

"Bloody hell woman cut it with the screaming" the sandy haired boy grunted trying to disentangle himself from the drapes.

Isla turned to him even more angry and James and Sirius looked as if Remus had just asked death to come and get him.

"THEY DESTROYED MY BLOODY HAIR" she yelled at Lupin as he rubbed his forehead, violently marked by the metallic bar, he winced a little, making the young girl's anger quiver.

"Don't take it on Moony!" Jame exclaimed, regretting it instantly as he saw her turn back around, her eyes looked as if they were on fire.

"Yeah, he didn't do anything, ask Laurie, she knows, he was with her last night." Sirius winked at Remus and the boy blushed slightly before throwing his pillow at the black haired boy, who received it full face.

"We were only studying" he coolly replied before taking a look at his hand wich had blood on it from his forehead. "Shit, I might have to go to the infirmary, thanks Pete." the boy groaned.

"It wasn't me it's her fault!" Peter cried out pointing at Isla and backing off as she pointed her wand at him.

"Don't worry cous, it'll grow back!" Sirius laughed at her but she only glared at him, strolling to Remus and examining his wound, it was tiny, nothing Madam Pomfrey couldn't fix in a minute.

𝐍𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐀𝐆𝐀𝐈𝐍 || remus lupinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora