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It was six in the morning when Pauline Clairemont went to wake Isla up. The sky was still dark, but the dusk of the morning was starting to paint it in a soft navy color, announcing a clear day in the small village where the familial beach mansion was located, up in a hill in Brittany.
The wind was making the windows shake a bit, producing a cristal sound.

The woman sat at the edge of the bed were a little girl was sleeping. Her pale face was peaceful, in a sweet dream. Pauline extended her thin and tired hand, her knuckles and the tip of her fingers were crimson red, a sign of a life of hard manual labor. She then shook the little girl.

"Mademoiselle! Mademoiselle!" she whisper-shouted in direction of the sleeping figure.

The child slowly opened her eyes, her eyelashes fluttering, revealing still dreamy eyes.

"Mademoiselle! Vous allez etre en retard!" the woman hurried her.

The kid looked at her still disoriented before nodding softly and getting out of bed, her eyes barely opened. Pauline hurried her to the bathroom, where she put her in the bath, as the little girl's mind started awakening. She felt a bit weird as the woman gave her a bath, she was too old for that, but it was too early to say anything.

She got changed, putting on the black robes that were required. Once she was dressed, Pauline brushed the girl's hair, as softly as she could, and attached the two strands that were englobing her face, to the back of her head, making a nice braid.

"Voila! Vous allez faire sensation mademoiselle." Pauline smiled at the reflection, but the little girl didn't say anything.

She didn't hate how her hair was styled, or how the robes fell nicely on her arms, no, what she hated was the little flash embroidered to her chest.

It was divided in four parts, yellow, red, green and blue, and a big H on the middle. Every colour had an animal on it, a badger, a lion, a snake and an eagle, and Isla felt sick just seeing it. She hated it, and hated her parents for making her wear these.

The girl looked away from her reflection, disgusted. She still hadn't said a word of the entire morning. She was always very conscious of what would be the first thing she would say everyday, it was weirdly very important to her, and for now, there was nothing that mattered enough to be the first thing she would open her mouth for.

The brunette got down the stairs, walking through the dark and empty corridors. The house was cold, and the wind infiltrated itself through the window shields, making the girl shiver a little.
She entered the small kitchen, where Pauline was already making her breakfast, and a house elf was washing the floor.

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