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I'm now at the police station and the cop asks me if I'm hungry. (Colorful language )"no I stole food for shits and giggles" I said. For a moment he looks shocked that a little girl has such a smart comeback then says"don't be smart" I say"wow you actually said something smart". He rolled his eyes and walked of. Wow dude don't walk up to something if your not going to finish it! They later come back with some crackers and water,hamster food. Then they let me go. God finally my manager is going to be so mad! I walk pass the buss bench but this time I don't see the boy I see a girl. I walk up to her and I immediately know what she is. See in heaven some misguided souls follow other misguided souls, at least that's what my manager told me I prefer to call them the stupid ones,these followers they are hand on hand buddies with the hell king himself. I've only heard of him never seen him but I don't want to. I see him as a real pain in the ass. She told me to tell heaven that the followers were getting stronger and that they were coming. I said " wow was really all they could send was a little girl messenger." She was quiet then disappeared from sight. I laughed at my small victory even though this was no laughing matter.i now have to warn heaven but I can't help but wonder why they gave the message to me I was nobody special. At least so i thought.

Sorry its so short more next time

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2015 ⏰

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