Life pt-2

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".Hello sage". "Hello Paula ". I'm on my way to work now and I always see Paula at work. She's ....... How do you say different. I mean don't get me wrong a she's nice and all it's just, we'll she died giving birth to her child which by the way was the doctors say she could not have , so yeah I don't blame her for being " different " or even a bit crazy because if you think about it what she has been through is hell. Anyway she like my best and only friend at work. Anyway back to work. My work is not really like a office building it's more open of course it's a building but you basically have your manager and they give you the work. They give you a folder with a person info in it and then your an you way. The job I'm working right now is simple ,man is going to die .I have to pick up the paper work. I get the job a day in advanced so I can get the soul tomorrow , which I guess is today. I know it's sounds like a GROWN UP job but I've been here for six years. At first I used to get sad watching people die but I guess now I'm just brain washed. I've picked up my paper work now it's time to go to earth.
It's not that hard to get to earth you just think earth and boom your there. I'm in New York and I have time to kill so I am exploring. I walking to a museum and a guy bumps into me and says watch it. Now this was his first mistake because in heaven you follow orders and fight for what's right we obey. I know everyone thinks oh everyone in heaven is so nice no. We are not all roses. We can be bad and nice and now this guy has ticked me of. I immediately tell the guy to "back of" and he says"who's gonna make me sweetheart" and I say"sir you are a pest of the lowest species, me we'll if you get on my nerves I will squash you, so you better crawl away because my foot is rising and you sir are squirming ." Now I've never in my life seen so much fear in a grown mans eyes. The look on his face was positively hilarious.
Now that teaches you not to mess with a soul taker.

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