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Now to find Mark, my file says he is going to be in state park in 10 minutes. I am still amazed how the people I work for have enough time to stalk people, yet it is "beyond their power" to give me a raise! Ok I need to get to state park. I try to call a cab but some, now I'm going to use some colorful language, bitch decided she was more important! Now like I said usually I would squash her but I was in a rush so I just "playfully" flipped the finger and got another cab. Next time remind me to tell my boss I DONT take jobs in New York! I finally arrive at the park and see Mark getting a hot dog. I walk behind a tree and work my magic by magic I mean snapping my fingers and being a able to look like whatever I want. I've used this trick a couple of times and man it is fun I might be 12 but everyone is 2 at heart don't deny it. I decide to look like a homeless girl and ask him for some change. I walk up to him and he doesn't take the bait I didn't even get close enough to touch him. I decide to crank it up a notch. No one can resist a little girl who was put on the street because of abuse. So I start to cry as he walks past me and I pretend to flinch and start saying sorry sir and please don't hit me and he falls for it, success! He picks me up and ask me where my parents are I say "mommy kicked me out". He says ok and gives me the money. I touch him and walk of. Yes I completed the job and got cash! I felt kinda bad though because he was going to die. It was the first time in years I had felt bad for a death. Like I said I'm not heartless but you start to realize there's nothing you can do. I sit and wait for him to die and then I start to laugh because I just thought that if someone was to ask me what I was doing I would say "oh you know just waiting for someone to DIE! That sounds so cruel but if you were me you would laugh to! I start to think about how he would die, I didn't really need to think because I already knew. How you may wonder well,colorful language coming up, it is the most wonderful thing I have ever seen in my fucking life! When you go to heaven you automatically have access to more than 10% of your brain and let me tell you it is awsome! You can see what's happening before it happens and a whole bunch of other stuff to the only other thing you get from going to heaven is the ability to teleport which is so cool! Any way back to present I really need to stop thinking so much. So I knew how he was going to die he was going to trip bang his head a die of a concussion. Sad I know but it's about to happen in 321 ouch! That's gotta hurt! Now that his souls with me all I have to do is let it go to heaven. It's pretty easy all I have to do is think let go and the soul goes to heaven. So I did that to Marks soul and walked off. I was going to finally go to the museum. I was to lazy to walk so I just teleported to the back of the museum so no one would see me then I go inside. I go to the counter and ask for a hour pass the lady looks at me and says "are you alone"and I say"no I'm with Garfield and a giant teddy bear and we just robed a bank" note sarcasm. The lady obviously doesn't appreciate a good sense of humor so she asks if I could pay for the pass, no lady I just came in here to ask for a pass bother you and say I can't pay jezzzzz, I say yes I can pay and she gives me the pass. I know I sound mean but I've always had a sort of kinky attitude with slight humor. It's just my personality. I finish going to the museum and go out to the front. I find that I'm hungry so I go to the gas station. The money the guy gave me was only dollar so I grab a candy bar when nobody was looking and went to the bathroom. I stay there awhile so it looks like I came in to use the bathroom. I walk out and I'm almost out the door when the candy bar drops out a guy yells hey and I grab the bar and run but I'm not fast enough and the guy gets me he holds me in the gas station till the cops come. Now I'm in the back of a cop car. Great this is going to be fun, not the SARACSM!

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