Chapter Eleven - The Prince With The Mask

Start from the beginning

I walked into the building where the gathering was happening and gave brief nods to servants that I passed when entering the building. Inside the building, I could see people of different ages and gender hanging around in the building. The building gave off the smell of new and old books which I found to be rather comforting.

I looked around in the area I was in, not really knowing what I should do at the moment. As I was getting deeper into my thoughts I felt a heated stare coming from near me. I looked around indifferently, trying to figure out who was looking at me.

I could feel my magic flare up for a second once I saw Colton glaring at me. He was looking at me from the corner of a wall with hatred clear in his eyes. A few people walked past him and gave weird looks in his direction.

I really didn't want to go through this gathering with Colton glaring at me so I decided to walk in his direction. I could see his eyes widen in shock once he realized I was going in his direction. He quickly backed away from the corner he was looking at me from and started to walk off in a different direction.

I continue to follow him calmly. I could see him looking back at me as he continued to try to lose me. This continued until we made it to an empty area that was filled with countless books that were floating in the air.

"Why are you following me! It is so annoying!" Colton turned around and glared at me with a fierce look in his eyes. But I didn't feel concerned about this since it felt like I was just being glared at by a small dog.

"I assume anyone would want to speak to the person who was quite obviously glaring at them with such hatred in their eyes. Have you no manners? I feel sorry for your parents, raising such a fierce child like yourself." I spoke politely but I was coldly looking down at him as if he wasn't worth my time.

"At least my parents bother to take care of me! I would rather be like this than hated by my own parents!" Colton stomped his foot into the ground as he tried to make himself appear taller than he actually was.

"There is a saying. If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything, or else I will be forced to cut out your tongue and feed it to you." I took a step closer to Colton as I said this in a serious voice.

"What a violent person you are! How is someone like you better than me! Teacher keeps on saying how impressed he is with you but I don't see what is so good about you!" Colton's face was getting redder due to how upset he was getting.

"If you keep comparing yourself to me then you will never become better than me. It isn't smart to keep comparing yourself to people. It will get in your way of getting better. I don't care about how you feel about me. You are honestly someone I don't see as a rival. All I care about is becoming someone way more gifted than my dear older brother. But if you want to continue this pointless game then I will make sure to crush you under my foot countless times until you are satisfied." I was getting closer and closer to Colton whose fierce expression was slowly disappearing because of my words.

"Now tell me... What should I do with you and your pathetic jealousy?" I leaned close to his ear and said this with a cold voice. I put a hand on his shoulder and slowly push force into my grip.

"Now, now~ Let not get so aggressive with each other." A voice from behind me called out to us and I backed away from a blank face Colton. I looked behind me and I saw an attractive boy standing in front of the door to the room with a smile on his face.

This boy was the same height as me but maybe a few inches taller since I was currently wearing sandals with heels. He had gray hair that was slightly spiky but in a way that was appropriate for someone high in status. He had exotic looking skin that made it seem like he was from a place that was closer to the sun. He was wearing prince-like clothing but nothing too extreme. Even though he had a smile on his face I could see the coldness in his yellow eyes.

I had my guard up against him once I realized who he was, Isaias Donnell. The first person route I did in the game. He had a gentle smile on his face but all I could see was someone forcing themselves to interact with people they didn't think highly of.

"Now what seems to be the problem between you two? You shouldn't be fighting each other like this! You look close in age so why can't you be friends?" I really hated the faked gentle voice Isaias was talking to me in. It's like he was treating me like I was a child.

"Watch your tongue. You don't know what just occurred so you shouldn't say something so stupid. Especially with that fake personality of yours. It makes me sick." I didn't feel like wasting my time with these two love interests from the game anymore. I came here to get more knowledge of magic and that was it.

"If you two would please excuse me. May you both have a pleasant day." Giving a formal bow to the two love interests, I left with an indifferent expression. I didn't bother to look at either one of them as I left.

Why should I pretend to care about people I simply don't think highly of. I can't believe I actually was getting worked up over a brat. I am older than both of them mentally so I shouldn't even put them in my sight. What a troublesome thing I was putting myself through.

Author Note -

 Aurelia and Isaias In The Future :

Isaias - What an ugly expression on your face. I often worry about you and if you will ever find a lover

Aurelia - Shut up fake

Isaias - Quit calling me fake it rather rude

Aurelia - It rather rude to have a fake personality as well

Isaias -...

Well, I can finally post this chapter and now I can work on the next chapter. The next chapter will have my favorite character in it again (hint, hint, it a shadow figure) and I really hope I did the language right since google translate is kind of hit or go source. But I should probably stop talking about the next chapter or else I will accidentally say something I shouldn't.

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