Chapter Seven: Wait And Listen

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[Your P.O.V.]

After collecting Tom, who had been waiting on the couch for me to get ready, we head out to the nearest bus stop from my apartment. Which is honestly not that far away, but the walk seems long due to the cold shoulder I receive from him the entire five-or-so minutes of walking down the city street as the sun begins to set.

I understand this whole hating-me-until-I-explain-why-I-basically-kidnapped-him thing, but some sort of company would be better than awkward silence.

We reach the stop, not soon enough, and I sit on the small metal bench, tugging at the cuffs of my jacket to adjust the sleeves against the cold. Tom leans his back on the plastic wall of the overhang behind the bench, looking out over the street. His face does little to reveal his emotions and when a man walks past and gives him a nod, he hesitates to find the normal response, ending in a bad attempt to copy the man.

"Nervous?" I ask, only to receive side eyes in response. I laugh lightly to myself and when he continues to ignore me I lean back and settle in for the wait. Watching a few cars pass by and noting the presence of several people walking to their apartment buildings, looking overworked and in a hurry to grab some dinner to enjoy while propping their feet up. I can't help but admit I am a little jealous, getting to actually relax after a long day at work. Although the thrill of what I do and just knowing I can change lives (artificial sure, but still real to me) for the better is too much to give up for a safe cozy life.

However, some hot cocoa does sound nice right about now.

Getting out my phone, I click the home button for the time and see the bus is a couple of minutes late. My right leg bounces, heel tapping the sidewalk. Normally I don't mind waiting but the faster I get Tom to Jericho the safer he is. Also the quicker I get my hot cocoa.

A streetlamp near the bus stop flickers to life and I lift my head up in time to see a woman and her android walk out of an apartment complex across the street. They descend the few steps to reach the sidewalk only for a man on a bicycle to clip the android's arm and make it drop the woman's purse. Spilling the contents, which scatter and I witness at least one lip gloss container roll all the way to the road. It only takes a split second for the woman's face to grow red with rage and she starts berating the android who apologizes and begins picking up the items as the man throws out a grunt of an apology and scurries away.

From the corner of my eye, I see Tom stiffen and narrow his eyes at the woman, much like a hawk, and unconsciously tighten his hands into fists. "Tom..." I say hesitantly.

"It wasn't their fault. Why is she yelling?" He looks at me with furrowed brows and a herd set frown before starting to make his way across the street. I jump up to go after him, calling his name. He makes it to the sidewalk with the woman, and I speed up to stop him before she notices, but a car gets in my way, separating us further. "What are you doing?" He says to her and she looks up at him, mouth slightly open in surprise at his sudden appearance. "It wasn't their fault."

"Excuse me, young man-" She starts, turning on him as her android stands up after collecting her items.

"Please step back sir." The android cuts the woman off, "I am detecting aggressive behavior. If you do not stop I will have to call the police."

Tom waves off the android and opens his mouth to say something to the woman but I finally reach him and grab his arm before he can get a word out. I blurt out, "Sorry, sorry ma'am. He didn't mean it, we're leaving now." She scowls and tugs her purse from her android's hands before walking off, with her android following suit. Occasionally she turns back to glare and I assume rant to her android.

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⏰ Última actualización: Oct 25, 2020 ⏰

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