Chapter Two

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Despite the terror of the lady in the lake that lingered in the darkest fears of Jamie and Dani's years together, they persisted, never letting it beat them down, besides the few moments where it all got too much, but it was still peaceful. They had been each other's nightingales on the footsteps of hell, the way they would cuddle up next to one another, hands intertwining as a perfect fit. The way they'd walk down the street together, stealing glances to not let the cruel outside world in on their love affair. The way they'd stare into eachothers eyes, silent conversations in the dim light of the fire. They were a beautiful, colorful sky following the pouring rain, peaceful, they were each other's lovers and friends. Jamie had been afraid of love before she met Dani, but Dani was full of it and spread it like wildfire.

Jamie was the deity who lingered in the shadows, she'd never liked attention, unless it came from Dani, of course. She was the peace in the garden that extended from her soul and touched everyone around her. With the most gentle and pure intentions, with her hands in which she holds the universe, she treats everyone as a plant she must nurture. Jamie was the epitome of positivity, even if her exterior didn't always show it. Her optimism never faltered, even in the darkest of times when some would think there was no hope, Jamie fought. Just as she had with the moonflowers, replanting them over and over in the fields, even if she knew there would only be one night of their beauty for her to see, it was worth it. Jamie was everything, being with her was like being home, but also being on a much needed vacation.

Despite the darkness lingering in the deep corners of her being, Dani was sunshine, her eyes the sky, just as she had always been. She would get down sometimes, but always arose, shining brighter than ever. Her footsteps grew softer with each one she took, for the sound of it made her self aware, and on some days she just couldn't handle that. The cracks and bruises in her soul from the lady in the lake show through, but out them seeps gold, and it touches everyone around her. Dani was gold, in every form, her nurturing heart, her brilliant mind, the way she saw the world, everything was gold. She bathed in the gold, hurt by it, but also healed, she embraced it, it was hers. For she was the gold.

Dani was full of life, until she wasn't, and it was the worst thing Jamie could've possibly felt, but boy did she feel it. After pleading for the lady of the lake to let Dani out of her grasps and come back, Jamie had secretly lost hope, just for a moment, she felt helpless. Yet, she continued on with trying to bring Dani back with her own two hands, and it worked. The gardener wondered if the au pair, who for a brief moment was nothing, but the hollow shell of what was once her own, allowed life to seep back into the very bones of her body, or had it been the lady in the lake? Hearing Jamie's cries for her lover to return, pleading to release her from the same hell that's held the lady for however long. Jamie wondered, who brought her back? But she didn't need to worry about that right now, because no matter the answer, she was back.

The moment Dani did allow the air back into her lungs, Jamie changed from a cry of mourning to a cry of happiness as she whispered over and over, "thank you, thank you, thank you," clinged to her, Jamie tightly wrapping her entire body around Dani, and Dani did the same, without a second thought. The aching in her chest from the water and the chest compressions was irritating, but Dani didn't wanna be thinking about how much her chest was hurting, she wanted to be thinking about how much love she felt for Jamie.

After holding each other for a few minutes with the relieving tears and Jamie listening to the sound of Dani's breathing and the feel of her rapidly beating heart, both continued crying inconsolably. Pulling away, Jamie grabbed Dani's face, who continued sobbing, keeping her eyes squeezed shut as she leant into Jamie's hands. Jamie studied Dani, looking over every inch of her face, taking in the beauty she thought she might have lost, just as Dani let out a shaky breath, her throat swollen as she stuttered to speak to her girl, "I'm so sorry, Jamie." The words were quiet, not quite formed as they left her lips, but Jamie heard them and she nodded her head.

"I know my love, I know, but you're alright now, yeah?" She asked hopefully, praying this wasn't some temporary thing and Dani wouldn't go running for the lake the minute Jamie took her hands off her.

"No, I'm so sorry, I just-" her words were cut off by an eager Jamie.

"Dani!" She cried, but Dani just continued talking.

"No, Jamie, I am sorry, I wish I hadn't had to do that-"

Interrupted again, Jamie spoke, "No, Dani, you aren't listening to me."

"I'm trying to apologize, but you should-" for the last time, Dani's words were cut off, this time by a longing kiss, it was quick, eager, but full of so much love that they both pulled away, slightly smiling.

"Dani, would you just listen to me for a minute, yeah?" She asked. The au pair nodded sadly, all she wanted to do was apologize and explain everything to Jamie. "Your eyes," Jamie breathed, shaking her head softly, "your eyes are your own again, Dani." She laughed, causing Dani to shake her head, as if it was too good to be true.

Pulling herself away from Jamie, Dani crawled the two feet it was to reach the water of the lake, Jamie fearfully grabbing her arms, thinking she was about to go under again, but instead Dani just stared at the water, the reflection causing her to shake her head.

"Do you see her?" Dani whispered softly as she sat, knees tucked under herself on the cold floor. Jamie sighed, go beside Dani to look at the reflection herself.

Jamie spoke the words she'd already said in the past, back when things started to really get bad in Dani's mind, "No, Dani, I only see you."

Dani slowly looked up at Jamie, their eyes interlocking as she whispered the words they both needed to hear right now, "Yeah, I saw me too." The words were followed by a hiccup, Dani hadn't seen her own reflection in so long, but she didn't know what this meant. If she no longer had the lady in the lake's eye, and she saw her own reflection, could it possibly be? After all these years, could Dani be free of the lady in the lake?

"Why don't we go home, yeah?" Jamie asked softly, taking Dani's hand into her own as she stood up, pulling Dani with her. Dani felt weak, and so tired, but Jamie wrapped her arms around the blonde's waist, giving Dani's temple a quick, reassuring kiss, and helped her walk back to the cab at the doors of the manor.

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