Chapter 27

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While somewhat listening to my teacher as he continued to go on about whatever was involved in the lesson today, my eyes kept closing constantly, and having my arm support the swaying weight of my head as my tiredness level increased. Thankfully, I sat in the back of the classroom and was part of the top three in the class, meaning I could sleep throughout the majority of the lesson and receive high marks on the test. On multiple occasions, Kyoya has questioned and is still somewhat confused about my madness of barely being there mentally yet still receives high marks on tests to this day. Finally, allowing my eyes to close, the teacher gave us time to work on the worksheet, and the homework, which I only had a bit left because the worksheets the teacher gives out are short and easy, yet everyone else usually asks for more time so that the teacher would give us more time. I just put my work away before placing my headphones on and turned on my music to drown out people to nap, ignoring several stares burning into my head because screw you all, I had shit to do and spent my entire evening to when my alarm goes off. I'm used to spending all-nighters on multiple occasions to work on schoolwork or Host Club; however, I had a chaotic mixture of dealing with Host Club and Abe family.

Instead of just spending an hour or two to work on those things, it changed when Kiyoko and Adrian's parents called about wanting my assistance to organize an entire deluxe party. This meant emailing numerous interior companies, designing the invitation, and discussing the party's theme to what would be served. Kiyoko had learned to have a predraft before we began a rough draft before going into the process to make the final product, so that took four hours. I spent an hour and a half talking with Kyoya about whatever and hung out as we both did homework over video chat before convincing him to get some decent sleep, one of the biggest achievements I'm proud of. Right as I was about to crawl into my comfy bed, the entire dance team called needing help with academics, which added more chaos. Having to multitask between helping, working on Host Club numbers, and basically parenting, I consumed several cups of coffee to keep up with the chaotic energy that caused me to stay up, answer emails, and design the party's invitation. By the time that ended, it was five a.m, and my alarm goes off at 7:50. I turned off my computer and fell asleep on my bed immediately as soon as I pulled a blanket over my cold body. Overall, I got at least three hours of sleep and needed coffee to function that morning to get Haruhi and me to school safely without falling asleep while driving.Groaning as the bell rang after fifteen minutes, signaling the end of my fifth-period class, and everyone headed towards their next course while I sluggishly left the classroom and headed towards the Host Club, deciding I wanted a nap instead of working in the library. Slowly trudging my way to the clubroom, I passed a couple of the hosts and a few other familiar faces before reaching the hallway to the Host Club.

Unlocking the door, thankful that I was given a key to the room, considering I'm usually the first one here, and heading inside before closing the door behind me and started setting up for Honey to take his afternoon nap and open up the curtains to let the light in. I set my messenger bag in the back room and grabbed the spare hoodie I left if I needed an extra jacket. After finishing the prep work for today, I sat down on the couch across from where Honey usually took his nap and folded my hoodie into a makeshift pillow, then curled up a bit to get comfortable. Sleepiness slowly took over as my eyes began to droop and fell asleep again. A loud commotion interrupted my peaceful sleep, causing me to slowly open my eyes to hear Tamaki yelling about something with the twins regarding a mess they made. I felt warmer than usual and noticed a fluffy cream-colored blanket covering me, must be the other spare blanket from the back. I sat up, popping my neck, and turned my head towards the noisy trio whisper yelling about Honey-senpai to Haruhi while hopefully feeling my burning gaze."His blood type is AB," Tamaki spoke as I folded the blanket up. I guess Honey has the same blood type as me.

"Yeah, so what?"

"That means he's the same blood type as Kyoya."

"What's the matter? Do you guys have a problem with my blood type, not to mention also Ren's?"

"Wait! You have the same blood type as Kyoya and Honey!?" the trio yelled as I stood up.

"I thought you knew this already, but guess not. That's why I told you not to call me the morning after the competition because I will rain fury on your ass if you disturb my sleep." I spoke, setting the folded blanket on the couch before walking over to join Kyoya and Mori while the other four went back to having a midlife crisis. "I know Tamaki and the Twins are always like this, but why are they doing it now?"

"They spilled tea on Usa-chan, and they're freaking out over it," Mori answered, not taking his eyes off of his book, and gave me a simplified summary of what happened. I glanced at the table where the crime was committed before strolling over, ignoring the three's absurd ideas—staring down at the stained bunny while thinking of how I could get the stain out without damaging Usa-chan in any way, considering the trio couldn't figure out an explanation.

As my mind wandered with numerous thoughts and not allowing me to notice that Honey woke up and was head straight towards me before seeing the tea-stained Usa-chan, he picked him up gently out of the tea puddle and examined it before turning towards the others while not noticing me beside him.

"Who's responsible for this? Who got Usa-chan dirty?" He demanded with a serious tone, causing the trio to freak out before Mori stepped in and told Honey that Usa-chan wanted tea since he was thirsty. This statement made Honey revert back to his usual, lovable childlike self. "I see! So that's why his face is all dirty."

While Honey was occupied, Kyoya tossed a clean washcloth to me before returning to his work on the laptop as I cleaned up the spilled tea and took the cups back to the kitchen area before washing them and placing them back in the cabinet. Right as I exited the kitchen, I was greeted by Honey, holding Usa-chan up towards me.

"Ren-chan, I was wondering if you could take good care of Usa-chan and clean him up, please? Takashi and Haruhi told me you could."

"As long I have the proper things I'll need, I would gladly take care of Usa-chan and get him all cleaned for you and the ladies." He cheered happily before handing Usa-chan to me and running off towards Mori, who nodded a thank you towards me before returning to the kitchen to start restoring Usa-chan back to his clean self.

Time ran by, and about half an hour before the Host Club opened, I left the kitchen with a clean Usa-chan in my hands and slightly pruned fingertips to be welcomed by a waiting Host Club to see if I was successful in restoring the pink bunny. I presented Usa-chan to Honey and gently handed his prized possession back in his grasp; the trio stared in awe at my handiwork."How did you get Usa-chan that clean that fast!? What black magic did you use?!" Tamaki began shaking me vigorously.

"Spending a couple years knowing fashion designer and knowing some tricks myself, it was easy to get a simple tea stain out of Usa-chan. There have been numerous times where Haruhi would come running to me, almost on the brink of tears, when she would accidentally spill juice or milk on her stuffed animal when we were kids."

"I feel betrayed that you shared that memory," Haruhi joked, elbowing my side.

"As your older sister, I have the right to embarrass and protect you-"

"THANK YOU, REN-CHAN!" Honey jumped into my arms, causing me to chuckle.

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