The intro

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"George is so obsessed with me". Dream laugh's."Wha-". "I am not, your so stupid". I say clearly not amused."Yeah sure you aren't". Sapnap chuckles. I roll my eyes and look over at chat. "I AM NOT FLUSTERED CHAT!". "Aw Gogy flustered". Sapnap says in a bad British accent. "You guys are so dumb" I say as I roll my eyes. "You know you love me" Dream says confidently.     "I think that's where we end the stream for tonight!" I say trying to ignore what dream had said. "Bye guyss". I say right before ending stream.                                                                                 As I close twitch I hear Dream and Sapnap laughing. "What is wrong with you guys, why are you laughing?". "Where laughing at the fact that you ignored what Dream said". Sapnap says, continuing to laugh. "I didn't ignore him, I just didn't respond, there's a difference". I say with attitude. "Too flustered to respond I see". Dream chuckles. "Not flustered, just annoyed". I say trying to not make a big deal about it. "YOUR CALLING DREAM ANNOYING!!". Sapnap gasp. "Yes, yes i am". I say not caring. "Wow George, you hurt my feewings". Dream says in a baby voice. "Your so stupid Dream".I say with a giggle "But you love it". Dream laughs.                                                         The Next Day                                                                                  I wake up and notice Dog staring at me. "Aw are you hungry". I go to the kitchen and feed dog. After I feed dog I have some eggs and then have a shower. When i get back to my room i notice a text from the group chat with dream and sapnap in it. I open the message and notice it was 10 minutes ago, Dream and Sapnap texts telling me to get on the discord, i startup my computer and get on discord.                                             "There you are, only took you 10 years". Dream says sarcastically. "10 minutes not 10 years, chill". I say sarcastically. "Same difference". Dream responds. "Not real-". I start to say before getting interrupted by sapnap. "Would you two just shut up so we can talk about what we were wanting to". Sapnap says clearly annoyed. "He started it". I say with attitude. "You can't be serious, acting like a 9 year old, smh". Sapnap says annoyed. "Whatever, what did you guys want?" I say.                                                 "Well we were thinking" says Dream. "Oh no, not you two thinking". I say clearly trying to be annoying. "Could you shut up for 2 seconds". Dream says annoyed. I start to giggle. "We thought since the Holidays are coming up that we could meet for the first time for the Holidays". Dream says quickly. "Okay, um how exactly?" I say with confusion. "Maybe we could go to the UK since it's never like a true Christmas in Florida or Texas", Dream says waiting for a response. "I mean sure but like, when are we talking?". I respond. "Well December is in 3 days so um, the first of December?". Dream says softly. "Not you two idiots staying at my house for a whole month". I say louder than expected. "Is that a yes?". Sapnap says breaking the silence. "I dont know-". I say unsure. "Well too bad we already bought tickets". Dream says with a chuckle. "What was the point in even telling me then". I say loudly. "We don't know where your house is, how would we get to you when we land, smh". Sapnap says sarcastically.                 "I don't know how my roommate would think about two idiots in our house for a month". I say continuing the conversion. "And they were roommates''. Dream says as he starts to wheeze. "He'll get over it". Sapnap says, starting to laugh with dream. "You two are something else''. I say with a giggle. "But you love us". Sapnap says with a chuckle. "No, I love Drea-". "DORITOS!". I say trying to cover what I said. "WHAT WAS THAT GEORGE, DID I HEAR YOU LOVE ME!!". Dream says loudly. I could feel my face heat up, buy why was my face hot, that's strange. " N-No I didn't say that, I said I love doritos". I say quickly. "Sureeee''. Sapnap says with a laugh. "Wait, doesn't that mean I get to see what you look like dream?!". I say excitedly. "Yeah". Dream responds. "Haha george i've already seen dreams face". Sapnap adds. "Yeah over a screen, shut the fuck up" i say clearly upset". "WOAH GEORGEEE LANGUAGE!!". Sapnap says loudly. "Are you BadBoyHalo now". I say with sass.                                                   Two Days Later                             I wake up at around 10 Am with the sun shining through my window, as I get out of bed I realize that tomorrow Dream and Sapnap are coming, but I haven't told my roommate. I step out of my bedroom and head to the kitchen, I see my roommate eating breakfast. "Goodmorning". I say to him". "Morning". He responds. "So um i have to tell you something". I nervously say. "Alright..". He says looking up at me. " So um tomorrow two of my friends from America are coming to visit". I say quickly. "Okay...i don't know why you have to tell me this". He says looking back down at his food. "Well there kinda staying for the Holidays". I say quietly. He looks up at me still chewing his food. "You have two people from america staying here for a month". He says still chewing his food. "In my defence they bought the tickets before even telling me". I say with a slight chuckle. "And where will they be sleeping". He says going to take another bite from his food. "Oh um i didnt think of that". I say just realizing. "One of them could fit on the couch but I don't know about the other one". He says getting up from the table to wash his dishes. "I'm sure i will think of something". I say following him to the sink. "Why don't you just let one sleep with you in your bed". He asks looking at me. I could feel my face heat up. " Um no way". I say too quickly. "Okay, it was just a suggestion". He says looking back at the sink. "Im not gay". I say as my face gets hotter. "I never said you were". He says putting his dishes up. I walk back to my room trying to avoid continuing the conversion.                                                                                 I sit on my bed and start to think about the conversion I had just had. "Im not gay". I say to myself. "Well...". I say to myself tilting my head. "Wait what am i saying, of course i'm not". I reassure myself.                                            I decide to try and get on discord and see if dream and sapnap are active. "Oh hello georgette". Sapnap says in a bad british accent. "Howdy Sapittus Napittus". I say in a bad American accent. "Dream's here too". Dream says speaking over us. "Oh yeah so um we might have a slight problem with you two staying with me". I say ignoring dream. "What could that be Georgette". Sapnap says again in a bad british accent. "Well about where you guys sleep, obviously one of you can sleep on the couch, but i don't know about the other". I say slowly. "DIBS ON THE COUCH". Sapnap says quickly. "I don't get a chance to speak, do i". Dream adds. "You already speak too much, you'll be fine". I say with a chuckle. "That's not tr-". Dream starts to speak before getting interrupted by sapnap. Sapnap gasp "AWW DREAM CAN SLEEP WITH GEORGETTE". Sapnap says with a british accent. "WHA-". I say flustered. "YES I GET TO CUDDLE WITH GOGY". Dream says loudly. "Shouldn't you two be packing". I say trying to change the subject. "Oh yeah". Dream and Sapnap say at the same time (weird). "Then we all should get going so you two can do that, the flight is tomorrow, and i have to clean my house". I say trying to get out of the conversion. "Aw gogy dont want his house to be messy for us, so sweet". Dream mocks. "You guys are idiots". I say right before getting off of discord.                            Many Hours Later                              I get a text from Dream at around 1 am in London.  "Dreamy" Hey can you call?  "Me" Yeah sure.  I call Dream. "Hey". I say as Dream answers. "Hey". Dream responds. "What's up, it's late". I say to him. "I cant sleep". He says softly. "When is your flight?". I ask him. "10 Am". He quietly responds. "That's late since the flight is 9 hours". I say with a slight voice crack. "Yeah, i guess". He says clearly tired. "Dream you sound tired, you should get some sleep". I tell him slightly concerned. "Yeah probably,  but going back to earlier today, i can sleep on the floor it's fine". He says quietly. I can hear something off with his voice and it makes me upset to hear that. "No Dream, it's okay you can sleep with me, it's fine i don't mind". I tell him making sure he is okay. "Are you sure George, i really don't mind sleeping on the floor. I want to give you your space". He says quickly. "I'm sure Dream, you shouldn't sleep on the floor, that's really bad for you". I reassure him. "Thank you George". He says with his voice softening. "Any time, but we both should get some sleep". I tell him. "Yeah your right". He says back. I hang up with Dream and get ready for bed.  At around 3:45 I get a text from Sapnap and Dream saying there about to board the plane. I respond with "okay, be safe". I put my phone down and go to tell my roommate that they would be here in the next few hours. I continue my day most of editing, and then get a message from Sapnap saying there going to land in 30 minutes. At this point it was like 12 Am. I grab my jacket and keys and start to drive to the airport. I get to the airport and sit down in the waiting seats till I get a text from Sapnap again saying they're landing. I stand up and walk towards the flight there coming from. There was a big crowd of people but out of that crowd i can see sapnap, i walk over to him and give him a hug. "Where is Dream". I ask sapnap. Then I see sapnap looking behind me and starts to giggle, right before i start to turn around i feel slight masculine arms wrap around my torso, i turn my head slightly up and see a man with sandy blonde hair and bright eyes and a big smile looking down at me. "Hello Gogy".

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