It was his fault!

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"Oh, hello George". I hear right as I turn around not realizing Dream was right there at first. My face heats up quickly to the fact we were face to face. I got scared of the situation and i scream, I'm sorry it was an instant reaction. "AHHHH". I scream instantly. "GODDAMNIT GEORGE!". Dream says loudly with a jump, even though I screamed, the situation was quite nice, I was still laying right in front of Dream. "IS EVERYTHING OKAY I HEARD GEORGE SCREAM?!" Sapnap says loudly slamming open my bedroom door and turning on my lights. I sit up startled by Sapnap, looking over in his direction and so does Dream. Sapnap just stares at us for a long thirty seconds. "Ohhh i see whats going on here". Sapnap says with a smirk. "NO NO NO". I say instantly. "I don't know why you screamed like that though". Sapnap says, crossing his arms. "I-I-I N-N Y-Y-Y, HIM!". I stutter until finally pointing at Dream. "ME?!". Dream says loudly pointing at himself. "Not one word in either of you guys' sentences explains what happened". Sapnap says walking towards the side of the bed. "WHAT DO YOU EVEN MEAN, I TOLD YOU EVERYTHING!". I say loudly. "You gave me COMPLETE STUDDER GEORGE!". Sapnap says loudly. "I WAS SLEEPING UNTIL I HEARD A SCREAM, SO LIKE A GOOD FRIEND I AM I CAME TO CHECK WHAT IT WAS, AND I'M GETTING NOTHING!" Sapnap yells. I was still shaken up by the situation, I just looked down at my hands in my lap still sitting on the bed. "George i know your colour blind, but your face is redder than a tomato". Sapnap says, putting his hand on my shoulder. "Oh no, i wonder why Gogy's face is so red". Dream chuckles. "I don't want to hear it". I say looking up slightly over at Dream clearly not amused. "That was all your fault". I say looking back down at my hands. "MY FAULT?!". Dream says loudly bending his head down attempting to look at me. "YES YOUR FAULT, YOU WERE THE ONE WAY TOO CLOSE TO ME!". I say loudly looking back up. "YOU WERE TAKING UP THE WHOLE GODDAMN BED, IF YOU CANT SEE RIGHT NOW!". Dream responds loudly. I look around and well, I am taking up the whole bed he barely had any room. "You didn't have to face that way though". I respond quietly. "That's how i sleep". Dream says crossing his arms. "I'm still lost". Sapnap says after a silence. "I'm not explaining it". I say looking back down. "I'm not ethier". Dream says quietly. "Alright then, it seems like it was a traumatic experience so i wont bother, i'm just gonna go back to bed, will you guys be alright?". Sapnap says walking towards my door. "Yeah we'll be fine". Dream responds. "George?". Sapnap says waiting for my response. I just looked up and nodded, I was still nervous so i didn't want to talk. "Okay, goodnight you two". Sapnap says before walking out my bedroom.

"George, listen, I didn't mean to scare you, I thought you were already asleep since you didnt turn around immediately after I got in bed". Dream says quietly, putting his hand on mine slightly. "It's okay Dream, let's just get some sleep, I have some fun plans for us tomorrow". I say looking up at him with a smile. "And what would those plans be?". Dream says grabbing my hand I pretend not to realize. "You're just gonna have to find out". I say with a chuckle. My face was heating up from Dream holding my hand, i don't know if he realizes he's doing it. "I will turn off the lights". I say getting up and pulling my hand out from under Dream's. I turn off the lights and get back in bed where Dream was already laying down facing me. I make sure not to take up too much space as I lay down as well facing Dream. "Um, goodnight". I say out of the silent dark room. "Goodnight gogy". Dream responds. I watch as Dream closes his eyes soon falling asleep. I just stared at him for a minute, until I realized what I was doing and I finally closed my eyes to fall asleep.

"George wake up, it's already noon". I hear spanap say, shaking me. "Alright, fine, now get out". I say rubbing my eyes still trying to wake up. "Fine then, if you're gonna be an ass then you can wake up Dream". Sapnap says walking out of my room. "God damnit". I say sitting up. I look over at Dream and he is still fast asleep. "Dream wake up". I say, shaking Deams arm. "Five more minutes". Dream mumbles shoving his head under the pillow. I thought since dream was completely out I would just get dressed. I look through my dresser and get out my clothes. I quickly get dressed trying not to wake up dream. "Alright dream, i gave you plenty of time, now get up". I say to dream grabbing the pillow on his head. Dream mumbles something I couldn't understand then sits up, he looks very confused looking around. "You alright?". I ask him. "Oh, yeah i just forgot i was here". He responds rubbing his eyes. "Well c'mon get up we have a busy day". I say walking towards my window to open it. Dream starts to get out of bed. "Why is it so cold". I Dream says standing up. "Because it's snowing". I respond looking out my window. "SNOW?!". Dream yells running to my window. "You're like a little kid on Christmas morning". I say with a chuckle. "I never see snow". Dream says looking all around outside. "I'm gonna go, so you can get dressed". I say walking towards my door. "You don't have to leave George". Dream smirks pretending to take off his shirt. "YEAH BUT I WANT TO!". I say quickly caught off guard. I hear dream wheezing as I slam my bedroom door shut behind me on my way out. I walk downstairs to get something to eat, i see sapnap sitting at the bar stools. "Why is your face so red?". Sapnap asks as I walk by. "Is it?". I say trying to pretend i didn't know what happened. "Yeah, like hella red". Sapnap says squinting his eyes. "I dont know". I say opening my fridge. "I'm sure Dream knows". Sapnap chuckles. "Oh yeah, sure of course dream knows". I mock. I just decided to grab a glass of apple juice, I sat on the bar stools with sapnap with my apple juice. Dream starts to come down the stairs and walk into the kitchen. "Hey Dream, have any clue why George came down here with a tomato like face". I hear sapnap ask him as he walks in the kitchen. I choke on my apple juice and it gets all over my counter. Dream just starts to wheeze. "I'm always left out". Sapnap says, making a pouty face. "Of course". I say cleaning up my apple juice.

I get done cleaning up my apple juice soon and sit on my phone for a bit. "George are you just going to sit on your phone or are we gonna go". Dream says leaning on the counter. "Oh yeah, right". I say standing up. "Make sure you have a jacket". I say grabbing my jacket. "We better make sure, cause we won't fit in your tiny jackets". Sapnap laughs. "That's just calling yourself fat, idiot". I laugh. "That's not what i meant". Sapnap mumbles.

We all eventually are ready and we head outside. "SNOW!". Sapnap yells running outside. "Just get in the car". I say unlocking the car. We all get in the car and I start to drive around London. "Most of our plans are later tonight, so do you guys want to go and see a movie?". I ask them both. "Yeah sure". Sapnap responds. "I'm down, what movie?". Dream asks looking out the window. "I don't know, any movie". I respond. "Oooo, we should watch a scary movie". Sapnap suggested. "I don't like scary movies". I say looking at sapnap. "That's the point". Dream chuckles. "I'm not gonna pay for a movie i dont like". I say turning on the GPS to the theaters. "Fine then, i will pay". Dream says. "Alright, but the theaters are expensive". I say with a laugh. "Then i don't know how you could pay for it". Dream laughs. "You're just so funny". I say sarcastically.

We pulled into the theaters about 20 minutes later. "Were here". I say putting the car in park. We all get out of the car and walk into the theaters. Dream walks up to an employee, "What are the scary movies playing the next hour". Dream asks. "Well, we have "The Haunting" happening in about 10 minutes, if that fits what you're looking for". The employee responds. "What is it about?". Dream asks. "It's about a family moves into a haunted house and it's like one of the scariest movies I've ever seen personally". The employee responds. "How easily do you get scared?". Dream asks. "I hardly get scared so the fact that i got scared from it really says something". The employee responds. "Perfect, i will take three tickets please". Dream says, taking out his wallet. While Dream was talking to the employee that whole time me and Sapnap were at the claw machines. "WHY IS THIS STUPID THING SO HARD". I say loudly and frustrated. "Sapnap help me". I say looking at sapnap. "No way, last time i tried to win one of those i lost $200". Sapnap responds. "Your no help you know that". I say with attitude.

"Guess what, i got us tickets". Dream says excitedly walking over to us. "DREAM, omg please im begging you to help me win this stupid BEAR". I say quickly walking towards Dream. "Is that one of those stupid claw machines?". Dream chuckles. "YES, and ive been trying to get that stupid bear since we got here and im gonna LOSE MY MIND". I say loudly. "These are so easy, you're just trash". Dream chuckles. "THEN HELP ME!". I yell tugging Dream's arm. "You're 24 years old wanting a stuffed bear from a claw machine". Dream says looking at me. "YES EXACTLY, NOW GET IT". I say loudly. "Gosh fine". Dream says walking to the claw machine. Dream puts two coins in the machine and gets the bear the first time. "See, easy". Dream says bending down to get the bear. "WHAT?!". I say shocked. "There you go". Dream says handing me the bear. "Thank you". I say with a smile.

"Anyways, the movie should start in about 5 minutes". Dream says. "Then we should head to the theater room". I say walking towards the theater rooms. "Um, what theater room is it". I ask as I turn around. "Room 7". Dream chuckles. "Alright, TO ROOM 7".

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