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I could feel my face heat up and tears forming in my eyes as I realized who the man was. I turn my body around still in Dream's arms and wrap my arms around him hugging him tightly. Still hugging him with my face resting on his chest, tears rolling down my face, I could hear sapnap say "there's Dream". I stand there hugging Dream still crying for about 10 more seconds. "Are you gonna take a nap there or take us home". Sapnap says, breaking the silence. I lift my head up slowly locking eyes with Dream. "Hi". I say softly to him. "You look sick". Dream says to me with a concerned face. "What do you mean?". I respond with a sniffle. "Your face is really red and your eyes are heavy looking". Dream says touching my face. "Oh". I respond knowing I was crying. "Don't overthink it Dream, he is just blushing from laying his head on your chest for 10 years". Sapnap says walking towards us. Before I could get the chance to respond. "You can let go of him now George". Sapnap says to me, putting his hand on my shoulder. I quickly let go of Dream and shove Sapnap slightly. "I'm not blushing, my face is just red because it's cold". I say crossing my arms. "You would think since he lives here he would know how to dress". Sapnap says. "What do you even mean I'm wearing a jacket". I say looking over at sapnap. "It's -1°, a jacket isn't gonna cut it, I'm from texas and even i know that". Sapnap says back. "At least i dont look like I'm on the polar express". I say with a chuckle. "It doesn't matter if we're on minecraft or not, you two always argue". Dream says stopping Sapnap from speaking. "Dream look at your hoodie". Sapnap chuckles looking at Dream. Dream looks down at his hoodie to see there is a wet spot on his chest from my crying. "I could have sworn I didn't spill that tea". Dream says grabbing the bottom on his hoodie. "You can't be that stupid Dream". Sapnap says crossing his arms. "At least i dont think i did". Dream continues. "DREAM YOU DIDN'T SPILL YOUR TEA, GEORGE WAS JUST CRYING, OH MY GOD". Sapnap yells pointing at Dreams hoodie. "Oh, that makes sense". Dream responds calmly. "I-i was NOT crying". I say with a stutter. "It's okay to cry George". Dream says looking over at me.                             There is a long silence as for I don't know what to say. "Cmon lets go". I say after the silence. I lead them to my car. "SHOTGUN". Sapnap yells as he runs over to the car dropping his bags. Dream picks up Sapnaps bags and helps me put them in the trunk. "Great the 6'3 guy is stuck sitting in the back". Dream says crossing his arms. "Sapnap children in the back". I say to Sapnap opening the car door. "I'm not a child". He responds. "Your 19 there is a *teen* in there so equals your child now get in the back". I say with attitude. "Fine i wouldn't want to get in between you and your boyfriend". Sapnap says getting out of the car. "He's not my boyfriend" I say walking to the other side of the car. "Who's your boyfriend?". Dream says only hearing the last thing I said. "No o-". I start to speak before getting interrupted by Sapnap. "You". Sapnap says to Dream as he gets in the car. "Ah i get it okay". Dream says getting in the car. 'No, no one is my boyfriend, Sapnap". I say turning back to look at sapnap. "But you want him to be". Sapnap says quietly. "No i do not, now shut up so i can drive". I say fixing my mirrors.                                                             The car ride is about 20 minutes. About 15 minutes into the car ride I hear Sapnap snoring in the backseat. "He really can't be sleeping right now". I say to dream. " It's 1 am, why wouldn't he be sleeping". Dream responds. "Because he was just on a 9 hour flight". I say looking at Dream. "Whatever we are about to be home anyways, he can sleep his little heart out there". I say making a turn. "Oh I forgot, did you speak with your roommate". Dream says. "Yeah, he is pretty chill". I respond. "Thats cool". Dream says looking out the window.                     I pull into my driveway and the car comes to a stop. "Were here". I say taking the keys out. Dream looks back at sapnap, he is leaning on the car door still asleep. "I think i know how to wake up sapnap". Dream chuckles. Dream gets out of the car and goes to the other side of the car where Sapnap was sitting, he opens the door and Sapnap falls out of the car onto the ground. "DUDE, WHAT THE HELL". Sapnap yells getting off the ground. "Should've had your seatbelt on". Dream chuckles. "It's uncomfortable" Sapnap g. "Get your bags, we're here". Dream says to Sapnap walking to the back of the car. Sapnap and Dream both grab their bags and go to my front door and wait for me to unlock the door. I unlock my door and open it, I let Dream and Sapnap walk in first. "Woah, cool house". Sapnap says, already walking around. "Oh thanks, you guys can put your things in my room, follow me". I say leading them upstairs. They follow me up the stairs and I lead them to my bedroom. "You guys can put your stuff in that dresser, I have nothing in there". I say pointing at an empty dresser in my room. I leave my room and let them unpack. "I see your friends are here". I hear my roommate say from behind me. "Oh, yeah there here". I say turning around. "That's cool, i thought since you have them over here i dont want to be in the way so i'm gonna stay with my girlfriend for the month". He says to me. "You should meet them before you go then". I respond. "EW SAPNAP WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!". I hear Dream yell in my room. Me and my roommate head to my room quickly. "Oh, there's my sandwich". Sapnap says picking up the sandwich out of his bag. "IT HAS MOLD!". Dream yells scooting away from sapanp. "It's probably still good". Sapnap says about to take a bite. "DON'T YOU DARE EAT THAT!". Dream gags. "Great introduction guys". I say standing in the doorway crossing my arms. "Oh hi". Sapnap says standing up. "Hello". My roommate says with a weird tone. "Im Sapnap and the guy that looks like he is about to throw up is Dream". Sapnap says with a laugh. "I can introduce myself, idiot". Dream says still looking sick. "Well nice to meet you both". My roommate responds. "Well i should be going now". My roommate says. "Great Sapnap you already ran him away". Dream says standing up. "No, it's all good man. I'm staying with my girlfriend for the month so i'm not in the way of your visit with George". My roommate chuckles. "See I'm a people person". Sapnap says proudly. "Your really not". Dream says crossing his arms. "Make me mad, I dare you, one press and everyone sees your face". Sapnap says, taking out his phone. "You wouldn't dare". Dream responds. "I don't know, would I". Sapnap teases. "Can you two shut up, Sapnap your not gonna post that and we all know it so cut it out". I say grabbing his phone. I cancel the tweet and give Sapnap back his phone.

"Have you guys ate?" I ask them both. "No, i'm starving". Dream responds. "Yeah me too". Sapnap adds. "Okay we can uber eats something". I say grabbing my phone. "Why can't we just go out". Dream asks. "Well we could, I just don't feel like driving". I say looking up from my phone. "I can drive". Dream says. "I mean okay if you want to". I say putting my phone in my pocket. "Alright then, lets go". Dream says walking out of my room. Me and Sapnap follow him out of the room. "Keys George". Dream says holding his hand out in front of me. I     hand him the keys and he starts up the car. "Alright where are we going". Dream ask looking at me. "CHICK-FIL-A". Sapnap yells from the back seat. "There's no Chick-fil-a in the UK genius". I say to Sapnap. "Thats so dumb". Sapnap says quietly. "I don't know why I asked, we're going to Mcdonalds". Dream says, pulling out of the driveway.

Dream pulls up a gps and heads to mcdonalds. We pull into Mcdonalds about 10 minutes later. "Are we going in?". Dream ask. "Why not". I respond. "Alright then". Dream says parking. We go inside and eat our food. We get done in about 30 minutes and we head back home. As we started to get home I wanted to make small talk. "Are you guys tired?". I ask them out of the silence. "Yeah I'm pretty tired. The different time zones are a lot to get used to". Sapnap responds from the back. "Well we all can get some sleep when we get home". I say looking out the window. We eventually get home and get inside quickly because of the cold. "I'm gonna take a shower you guys can grab your clothes and get ready for bed". I say when we get in the house. Sapnap walks up the stairs before me and dream, as I head up stairs I feel dreams arm slightly grab me. "What?". I ask as I turn my head back facing him. "Um, so, you know that conversion we had the other night right?". Dream says quietly. "I'm not sure if i follow". I say turning towards him. "Oh, um yeah right um, it's nothing". Dream say quickly. "Okay, if you say so". I say right before heading up stairs. I take a shower and when i get out i see sapnap leaving my room with his pajamas on. I walk into my room and see dream standing on his phone. "Hey". I say as I walk in my room. "Oh, hi". Dream says quietly, putting his phone down. I could tell something was off, but I didn't know what it was. "You ready for bed?". I ask him. "Oh, um, yeah". Dream says as he starts walking towards my door. "Where are you going?". I ask him. "I was just gonna sleep on the floor in the living room". He responds almost out of my room. "Dream, i told you you could sleep with me, i don't want you sleeping on the floor". I say walking towards him. "Are you sure George, I can sleep on the floor, it's not a problem". Dream says facing me. "Yes i'm sure, I'm gonna get some water and when I come back you need to be asleep, you've been up too long, you're probably exhausted". I say as I walk out of my bedroom. I walk down stairs and see Sapnap sitting on the couch on his phone. I walk past him into the kitchen and get me a glass of water. "Where's Dream?". Sapnap asks me as he walks into the kitchen. "He's upstairs, why?". I respond. "I thought he was sleeping down here".     Sapnap says sitting down on one of the bar stools. "No, he is sleeping with me, I don't want him sleeping on the floor". I say before taking a drink of my water. "Ohhhh, i see, okay". Sapnap says with a laugh. "No, don't pull that crap, it's not like that you idiot". I say choking on my water. "Sure~". Sapnap says with a grin. "Get your head out of the gutter". I say as I walk out of the kitchen. I walk up the stairs and head down the hall to my bedroom. I walk into my room and I see Dream still just standing there on his phone. "DREAM!". I yell as I walk towards him. He jumps slightly. "W-what". He replies quietly. "Why aren't you in bed". I ask him . "I'm just not tired". He replies softly. " Well i'm going to bed and you can't just stand there". I say walking towards my bed. "You're really trying your hardest to get me in your bed". Dream says with a laugh. I feel my face heat up. "No it's not like that, i just want you to get some sleep, it's already almost 3 am". I say to him as I get in my bed. At this point I was so tired and just wanted to go to sleep. "You know what, I don't care if you get sleep or not, I'm tired so turn off the lights so I can sleep". I say to him as I get under the covers. "Aw gogy tired". Dream says in a baby voice. "Yes I am now turn off the freaking lights". I say as I lay down. "Alright". Dream says and walks across the room and turns off the lights. I lay there with my eyes closed for about 3 minutes before I felt the bed move slightly on the other side. I wait about a minute after, then I turn around.

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