What is coming, it's better than what is gone

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Happy New Year to all you beautiful people
Hope all are doing well
I know I'm updating after month but there was some technical error with my account so was not able to update
Please do share your thoughts on how you liked story so far, n what are you expecting, to happen in upcoming parts? 

Without much delay here's update

Abhi's POV

We all reached little late because flight was delayed, we reached around 12pm
I lost all my colours when I saw her mom, she came to receive us, kids didn't waste a second n took her blessings by touching her feet, this time too I made fool of myself and I was standing frozen

"Nothing changed"
Her mom mummers to me giving those cold glares

"Aunty.... namastey"
I politely said

As usual she responded with rudeness 

There was complete silence in car, pragya was annoyed because her stepfather also came to pickup, I was annoyed with her mom, I fail to understand when she herself telling her daughter to marry me then why she is giving me hard time n kids.... what I say about them, they were annoyed because they wanted to ride tractor to home

We reached after about an hour's ride from airport. her house was really gigantic, more like heritage mansion, it had it's own little cattle farm, 2-3 tractors, mountains of hays, there were rows of bedroom ...three in each side of  direction making total 12 bedrooms
I was little insecure about kids living in different room in this unknown new place but she Assured, saying it will be just fine, so we stayed in different room which were in same row, only mine room was having balcony, n only kids room was having attached bathroom, I was surprised, so many bedrooms and only two of them had attached bathroom, one kids were using and other of course aunty's room had, n two more where there but out in lawn, I don't understand why?? ....How pragya will manage??.... if she wants to go late night, then I insisted her to sleep with kids only, I explained her my concerns, she was not ready at first but I told whole day she can rest in her own room but during night sleep with kids, she had no other option but to agree
This whole time Her parents were looking at me as if I'm Alien, I don't get it why??, I was only concerned for pragya, what wrong I said Or did... I wonder

Soon it was time for lunch

Aunty is so annoying, she purposely seated next to pragya, Which made me seat next to uncle

"She is angry with you because still ....you are struggling to make pragya agree to your proposal"
Her stepfather whispered to me, I literally Cough then looked at pragya, and then at aunty's expression, n finally I looked around, kids were busy playing in hay

"Aunty ....if  you know someone, I mean girl of my age... I'm looking for bride"
Only I know how this felt, like countless arrows poking through my heart

She fumed at me
"That day you said something...."

Before she completes I interrupted her
"I'm looking for someone more romantic and sexy, one I told you about is boring, over strict, very annoying and most importantly stubborn person... things didn't work out for us"
I looked deep into pragya's eyes with deadpanning voice

"Thats some brand New piece of information, I will sure find you a sexy bride"
I can't believe aunty winks at me, she totally get my fake face and pragya was busy in glazing at kids

Here uncle whispered to me again
"I'm cent percent sure, she is up to something, otherwise she don't agree with anyone so easily"

I'm hell worried now, I'm here with some plan, kids already having there own Strategy and now this uncle is telling auntie is upto something, I don't mind whoever plan works first but it should in my favour for my Mrs Mehra

Main Aur Mrs Mehra Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα