Your eyes stole all my words away

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Hey readers thanks for appreciating my work till date, u all inspired me to continue to write stories
Here next part

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Keeping all weirdness behind, today I thought to go for jog after almost 10 days, Cold breeze in December uplifted my mood to next level , it's really clamming.
It's been almost 30 minutes, I'm feelings as if I just started as My whole concentration was on one person who jogging in proper three pice black suit, with formal shoes, hair all gelled up, I was at little distance n was not wearing my glasses, so i was in doubt that what I'm looking at, n what I'm thinking is right ??? Is this, really him ??? but soon He came closer n I was right, I was astonished by looking at Mr Mehra like this
"Like seriously, you are jogging in three pieces suit with formal shoes"
I giggled

"Sports shoes won't look good with suit, so..."
he was hesitant

I cut in
"But why suit???"
I was still looking at him all surprised, curious n controlling myself not to laugh

"I have to go directly for meeting so..."
I could totally see how awkward he was feeling n
I again cut his words
"Then why are you here??"

"I wanted to ask you something"
He looked little nervous n uncomfortable but There was this spark in his eyes

"What was so important that you couldn't tell me over phone n you came here personally, Mr Mehra ?"

He takes one deep breath n blabbered
"Today is my birthday, will you come for dinner tonight"

"Happy Birthday Mr Mehra n of course I will join you all for dinner, but as far I remember your birthday is tomorrow"
I was again taken by surprise

"Thanks in advance, that's what, we will be celebrating at midnight, so ...."

I don't know why??, today I kept cutting him between talks, n not letting him finish, god knows what is wrong with me?, I talked to myself
"Sure I will be there"

He didn't even said bye, as soon as I told I will come, he just started walking back to his car, didn't even care to say thanks or didn't even told what time??, which place??,
It was around, 8pm

I was really hell nervous, after reading his msg, which read, "The club" at 9, I will come to pick u, be ready"

"The Club", this club reminds me of my stupid birthday, why Mr Mehra had to invite for dinner here, why this place?, I cursed my stars while waiting for Mr Mehra to pickup

"Hi, you look stunning in this black dress"
He whispered, opening front door of car

"You too, Mr Mehra, look very handsome, n where are kids?"
I was more excited to meet kids, then having dinner at The Club

"seriously, do think are allowed here??, n you know it very well no late night for kids, 9.30pm is deadline for them"
He started driving n wink at me while talking, I was stunned, this is completely different side of Mr Mehra, I have never seen this side of him

"So....Only you n me??"
Now I started feeling more nervous n anxious

"No, .... few friends are there, let's go"
He mummers n we reached

I sat beside Mr Mehra, after he introduce me to his few friends, it felt little awkward, but soon music gets louder, everyone grooves n there were Tequila shots on our table
He had many but I was little scared to have one, he being gentleman didn't force me to drink, nor his friends, which I felt fishy
What kind of friends they were???
No conversation, no pulling leg of birthday boy, just sitting as if they are strangers
I don't know why?, I was feeling cold, was it that I was hell nervous around this place???, literally petrified or something on my thigh???
After just a glimpse, I realised his hand was on my thigh, why I had to wear this little black dress??, which hardly reached till my knees, his hand is as cold as ice, I mentally cursed myself
I looked at him, n he too looks at me, there was this silence, we kept on looking, I didn't uttered a word nor did he, I thought he will be embarrassed in front of his friends if I said anything about his hand being on my thigh, thank god......Soon he too realised his hand was not on chair but on my thigh, he apologised n quickly puts both of his hands on table n had few more shots, now I was tempted to have drinks but was feeling shy n scared at same time, so I walked away from there to bar, he followed me
"I'm sorry, I didn't know my hand was on...."

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